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Jawdat Tayfour
Jawdat Tayfour

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A1 To B1.2 Without a Teacher

I learned German without a teacher. Yes without a teacher and all from the Internet.

Let me tell you how!

My journey started in the middle of September after my last birthday. At first I had no study routines for learning the language, so just like if you asked a toddler about something today, I did the predictable. Opened up YouTube and typed in "How to learn German". The first few results were the one that I'll ride with the whole journey. It was an A1 Playlist from "Learn German", a channel that is made by a wonderful teacher who in all of her videos neither over explain nor under explain. She's teaching the language in a sequence of 10 minute videos. 60+ Videos for the first level [A1]. 40+ Videos for the second level [A2]. 40+ Videos for the third level [B1]. Which all sum up to around 1500 minutes, dividing by 60, we get 25 hours. A question popped in mind, can I really reach B1 in German through a 25 hours course?
Should I lower my expectation?. Well, Imagining and wondering won't answer the question, but trying will. I started my Journey.

3 weeks pass by and my sister recommends me a book series called MENSCHEN (English Translation: People). I get excited, since I like reading and learning and I expect that a book series would have more exercises for me to practice writing, reading, and even listening to the language. I hop on into the internet and start looking out for that series. A problem appears! it's too long and too heavy for me to carry both a Course Book and An Exercising Book side to side with a YouTube Series. And I really started getting used to the teacher on YouTube. Her videos are enjoyable and makes me like the language more and to some extent I feel less lonely learning because there are people in the comments thanking her and giving updates on their progress on every video just like myself.

I had an awesome Idea. Why not learn the Theoretical side of the language from the YouTube Series and exercise with the Work-Book? I start applying this style of studying. Learning a Lesson, digging up the exercises and repeat.
It's working, I'm noticing my progress through watching some German Memes on the Internet every now and then for a good laugh while also training my eyes and ears.

And that was the pillar that supported my German until I delved into the German culture, music, humor, news media and so on. Which was right after I finished the A2 Playlist and started with my B1 Playlist and Books. But that's a story for the next Week.

Follow me so you get tuned when I post the rest of the Journey.

[Links For The Books And The YouTube Channel]

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