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Discussion on: Role Call! Tell us a bit about yourself.

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I love questions like this because it allows me to elaborate on my boring life and procrastinate anything else :D
So here we go, be prepared.

About me as a dev:

I started coding back when I was around 10 or 11. I wasn't really serious about it, I just got a little interested and was like "oh that looks kinda cool and I can flex on my friends". Turns out I was just looked at weirdly...
Either way, after realizing that Java wasn't the language for me, I switched to python which I really liked, and like to this very day. Along the way I learned a variety of other languages including Go. I even looked at Assembly for quite a while without any real reason...

So what skills was I able to improve on or master over the years? None. I'm still in the process of learning, and I think this won't ever change. I figure out new things almost weekly, I find out how to make my code more effective, clean or whatever. That's also what I love so much about coding.

Right now I'm mostly focussing on front-end development and theoretic stuff about things like compilers (yes I'm aware that there is absolutely no connection between those two). As you can guess from these two very different things, I still haven't really decided what field I really want to go into.

Do I have any job experience till now? Well, I had a few small jobs and a rather large one that I actually have right now!
Also, I hope to get a summer job again this year!

About me as a person:

I'm 16 years old and was born and still live in Austria. I'm still in school that isn't focused on software development or IT in general, in fact, the PCs there sometimes take over 45 minutes to boot, so you can probably tell that IT isn't really top priority around there.

Either way, besides coding I like a few things like:

1) Writing!
I have been writing stories ever since elementary school! Over the past few years the genre shifted a "little" from fantasy to (psychological-)horror or thriller. I usually write rather short stories that just go over a few pages, though I wrote something that could be considered a small book a few times already :D

2) Music!
I absolutely love music. Music is literally everywhere in my life. The first thing I do after I brushed my teeth in the morning is put on my headphones. My friends sometimes call me a walking music encyclopedia ;)
As of right now I'm also learning to sing which is going "really well"

3) Videogames
My main way of relaxing (besides music) after a long day. Also something that for some reasons manages to get me to be more focussed when studying! In case you ever experience concentration problems try playing a videogame for 30-50 minutes in case your schedule allows it, it really helps me!

That's already more than enough for just a comment... :')
I hope you all have a great day :)