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Jun Nishimura
Jun Nishimura

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You can write programs in JSON

You can write programs in JSON.

This may sound like something else, but I have created a programming language/interpreter for writing programs in JSON format.

The name is โ€œ JSOP,โ€ an abbreviation for JSON Processor, and I named it after LISP (LIST Processor).

This article is not much more than โ€œI made a programming language,โ€ but I hope to explain my motivation and some simple language specifications. I hope you will enjoy the idea that such a language is possible.

    "command": {
      "symbol": "print",
      "args": "Hello, World!"
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๐Ÿ”ฅ Motivation

When I was studying LISP, I came across the statement that the fact that โ€œdata and code are identicalโ€ is what makes LISP unique.

I thought that if I could create programs in JSON (JavaScript object representation), which is a data structure other than lists, I could create a language like LISP in which โ€œdata and code are the sameโ€.

๐Ÿ’พ Installation

Homebrew Tap

brew install JunNishimura/tap/JSOP
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go intall

go install
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GitHub Releases

Download exec files from GitHub Releases.

๐Ÿ’พ How to use

Since REPL is not provided, you can write your program in any file and pass the file path as a command line argument to execute the program.

jsop ./path/to/file.jsop.json
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๐Ÿ“– Language Specification

  1. Everything is an expression.
  2. Only .jsop and .jsop.json are accepted as file extensions.


Integer value is a sequence of numbers.

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String value is a sequence of letters, symbols, and spaces enclosed in double quotation marks.

"this is a string"
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Boolean value is either true or false.

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Arrays are composed of expressions.

[1, "string", true]
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Strings beginning with the $ symbol are considered as identifiers.

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Embedding the Identifier in a string is accomplished by using curly brackets.

"{$hello}, world!"
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To assign a value or function to an identifier, use the set key.

parent key children key explanation
set declaration of assignment
var identifier name
val value to assign
        "set": {
            "var": "$x",
            "val": 10
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Function Definition

Functions can be defined by using set key and lambda expression.

parent key children key explanation
lambda declaration
params parameters(optional)
body body of function
    "set": {
        "var": "$add",
        "val": {
            "lambda": {
                "params": ["$x", "$y"],
                "body": {
                    "command": {
                        "symbol": "+",
                        "args": ["$x", "$y"]
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Function Call

Functions can be called by using command key.

parent key children key explanation
command declaration of function calling
symbol function to call
args arguments(optional)
    "command": {
        "symbol": "+",
        "args": [1, 2]
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Builtin Functions

Builtin functions are as follows,

้–ขๆ•ฐ explanation
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulo
! negation
&& and operation
\ \
== equation
!= non equation
> greater than
>= greater than equal
< smaller than
>= smaller than equal
print print to standard output
len length of array
at access to the element of array


Conditional branches can be implemented by using the if key.

parent key children key explanation
if declaratoin of if
cond condition
conseq consequence(the program to execute when cond is true)
alt alternative(the program to execute when cond is false)
    "if": {
        "cond": {
            "command": {
                "symbol": "==",
                "args": [1, 2]
        "conseq": {
            "command": {
                "symbol": "+",
                "args": [3, 4]
        "alt": {
            "command": {
                "symbol": "*",
                "args": [5, 6]
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Iterations are handled by using the loop key.

parent key children key explanation
loop declaration of loop
for the identifier for loop counter
from the initial value of loop counter
until loop termination condition (break when loop counter equals this value)
do Iterative processing body
    "loop": {
        "for": "$i",
        "from": 0,
        "until": 10,
        "do": {
            "command": {
                "symbol": "print",
                "args": "$i"
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You can also perform a loop operation on the elements of an Array. Unlike the example above, the in key specifies an Array.

        "set": {
            "var": "$arr",
            "val": [10, 20, 30] 
        "loop": {
            "for": "$element",
            "in": "$arr",
            "do": {
                "command": {
                    "symbol": "print",
                    "args": "$element"
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Also, insert break and continue as keys as follows.

        "set": {
            "var": "$sum",
            "val": 0
        "loop": {
            "for": "$i",
            "from": 1,
            "until": 15,
            "do": {
                "if": {
                    "cond": {
                        "command": {
                            "symbol": ">",
                            "args": ["$i", 10]
                    "conseq": {
                        "break": {}
                    "alt": {
                        "if": {
                            "cond": {
                                "command": {
                                    "symbol": "==",
                                    "args": [
                                            "command": {
                                                "symbol": "%",
                                                "args": ["$i", 2]
                            "conseq": {
                                "set": {
                                    "var": "$sum",
                                    "val": {
                                        "command": {
                                            "symbol": "+",
                                            "args": ["$sum", "$i"]
                            "alt": {
                                "continue": {}
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Use return key when you exit the program with return.

        "set": {
            "var": "$f",
            "val": {
                "lambda": {
                    "body": [
                            "set": {
                                "var": "$sum",
                                "val": 0
                            "loop": {
                                "for": "$i",
                                "from": 1,
                                "until": 11,
                                "do": {
                                    "if": {
                                        "cond": {
                                            "command": {
                                                "symbol": ">",
                                                "args": ["$i", 5]
                                        "conseq": {
                                            "return": "$sum"
                                        "alt": {
                                            "set": {
                                                "var": "$sum",
                                                "val": {
                                                    "command": {
                                                        "symbol": "+",
                                                        "args": ["$sum", "$i"]
        "command": {
            "symbol": "$f"
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Macro can be defined by using defmacro key.

parent key children key explanation
defmacro declaration of macro definition
name name of macro
keys keys
body the body of macro

You can also call the quote symbol for quoting, and unquote by adding backquotes to the beginning of the string.

    "defmacro": {
        "name": "unless",
        "keys": ["cond", "conseq", "alt"],
        "body": {
            "command": {
                "symbol": "quote",
                "args": {
                    "if": {
                        "cond": {
                            "command": {
                                "symbol": "!", 
                                "args": ",cond"
                        "conseq": ",conseq",
                        "alt": ",alt"
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Defining function can be much simpler if you use Macro.

        "defmacro": {
            "name": "defun",
            "keys": ["name", "params", "body"],
            "body": {
                "command": {
                    "symbol": "quote",
                    "args": {
                        "set": {
                            "var": ",name",
                            "val": {
                                "lambda": {
                                    "params": ",params",
                                    "body": ",body"
        "defun": {
            "name": "$add",
            "params": ["$x", "$y"],
            "body": {
                "command": {
                    "symbol": "+",
                    "args": ["$x", "$y"]
        "command": {
            "symbol": "$add",
            "args": [1, 2]
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Comments can be inesrted by using // key.

    "//": "this is a function to add two values",
    "set": {
        "var": "$add",
        "val": {
            "lambda": {
                "params": ["$x", "$y"],
                "body": {
                    "command": {
                        "symbol": "+",
                        "args": ["$x", "$y"]
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๐Ÿค” FizzBuzz Problem

Finally, I have included an example of solving a FizzBuzz problem in JSOP.

        "set": {
            "var": "$num",
            "val": 31
        "loop": {
            "for": "$i",
            "from": 1,
            "until": "$num",
            "do": {
                "if": {
                    "cond": {
                        "command": {
                            "symbol": "&&",
                            "args": [
                                    "command": {
                                        "symbol": "==",
                                        "args": [
                                                "command": {
                                                    "symbol": "%",
                                                    "args": ["$i", 3]
                                    "command": {
                                        "symbol": "==",
                                        "args": [
                                                "command": {
                                                    "symbol": "%",
                                                    "args": ["$i", 5]
                    "conseq": {
                        "command": {
                            "symbol": "print",
                            "args": "{$i}: FizzBuzz"
                    "alt": {
                        "if": {
                            "cond": {
                                "command": {
                                    "symbol": "==",
                                    "args": [
                                            "command": {
                                                "symbol": "%",
                                                "args": ["$i", 3]
                            "conseq": {
                                "command": {
                                    "symbol": "print",
                                    "args": "{$i}: Fizz"
                            "alt": {
                                "if": {
                                    "cond": {
                                        "command": {
                                            "symbol": "==",
                                            "args": [
                                                    "command": {
                                                        "symbol": "%",
                                                        "args": ["$i", 5]
                                    "conseq": {
                                        "command": {
                                            "symbol": "print",
                                            "args": "{$i}: Buzz"
                                    "alt": {
                                        "command": {
                                            "symbol": "print",
                                            "args": "$i"
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๐ŸŽฌ At the end

I started JSOP in imitation of LISP, and I like the fact that it can be easily metaprogrammed by using macros just like LISP. As you can see from the solution to the FizzBuzz problem, I think it is not a practical language.

I would be happy to get your advice/feedback. I am looking forward to your comments!

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