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Julio Santacruz
Julio Santacruz

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Things all JavaScript beginners should know (Updated)


I'm currently looking for my first job as a frontend developer, I've been doing some technical interviews and they actually ask these questions (I took these questions from an instagram post). So I'll be looking for the answers and really understanding this topic.

Note. I already know some answers, but I will be updating this post from time to time. If you feel like collaborating with any answers, feel free to share in the comments.

1. What is the use of windows object?

The window object is a representation of the 'window' browser, the space were you navigate, it is created automatically by the browser, It is not a JavaScript Object...
The window object have a lot of his own properties and methods, y bet you know some of them...
| Properties | Methods |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| console | alert() |
| innerWidth | prompt() |
| InnerHeight | setTimeout()|
| scrollY | confirm() |

2. What are the different data types present in JavaScript?

Data types:

  • Boolean Type // true | false
  • Null Type // null
  • Undefined Type // undefined
  • Number Type // 123
  • BigIng Type // 123456789023456767766n
  • String Type // 'hello world'
  • Symbol Type
  • Object Type // {}

3. What is the difference between undefined value and null value?

Undefined is a vaiable that refers to something that doesn't exist

4. What is this [[[]]]?


5. What are classes in ES^?


6. What are the difference between cookie, local storage and session storage?


7. What is the difference between setIntervals and setTimeout?


8. What are arrow functions? How are they different from normal functions?


9. What is this keyword?


10. What are promises? How do you call a promise?


11. What is the difference between observables & promises?


12. What is callback hell?


13. Explain closures


14. What are pure functions?


15. Difference between == and ===


16. How to access DOM elements using js?


17. What are higher order fuctions?


18. Explain desctructing in Javascript


19. What are spread and rest operators?


20. What is even propagation event capturin, even bubbling?


21. What is function currying?


22. Difference between let and var


23. Difference between call, apply and bind


24. What is event loop ?


25. What is weakMap and weakSet?


26. What is the difference betwwin a function parameter and an argunment?


27. What is function execution context & global execution context


28. What is scope in JavaScript?


29. How to create an array? List some of array methods


30. What is hoisting?


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