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Cover image for Configuring Prettier and TypeScript Compiler as a Pre-commit Hook
Julian Garamendy
Julian Garamendy

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Configuring Prettier and TypeScript Compiler as a Pre-commit Hook

We can easily improve our developer experience by:

  • Preventing broken code being committed/pushed.
  • Avoiding pointless arguments about formatting in our code reviews.

We decided to use git pre-commit hooks to help prevent "broken" commits.

We started from an existing TypeScript project, but here's a demo repository if you want to have a look.

1. Install prettier, husky and lint-staged

yarn add -D prettier husky lint-staged
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None of these are required at run time so it's important to use -D so that the dependencies are added to "devDependencies".

2. Configure prettier

We need to create two files:


  "printWidth": 120,
  "proseWrap": "preserve",
  "semi": false,
  "singleQuote": true,
  "useTabs": false,
  "tabWidth": 2,
  "arrowParens": "avoid",
  "trailingComma": "es5"
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You can of course configure this in any way you like.

3. Create a lint-staged config file: .lintstagedrc:

  "**/*.+(js|jsx|css|less|scss|ts|tsx|md)": [
    "prettier --write",
    "git add"
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This is configured to run prettier and overwrite any staged files that match the pattern above and then staging the new changes (if any).

4. Create a husky config file: .huskyrc:

  "hooks": {
    "pre-commit": "tsc && lint-staged"
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This is configuring the pre-commit hook. It will run tsc and then lint-staged using the configuration files discussed above.

5. Success!

Now every time I try to commit, the pre-commit hook will run.
If -for some reason- my code doesn't compile I'll get an error and a chance to fix it before committing.

And I don't have to worry about code formatting because prettier will format any staged files before committing.

Demo Repository

I've setup a very basic repository on GitHub as a demo.

Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

Top comments (3)

boasbabs profile image
Adeyemi Simeon

Hi Julian, thanks for the guide. I want to ask how to use Airbnb style guide with lint-staged. Do you have any resources you can point me to?

juliang profile image
Julian Garamendy

Hi Adeyemi, I'm afraid I haven't tried this with Airbnb style guide, but if you have it configured as a linter, you can probably change the .lintstagedrc file to specify different linters to different file types.

You could try something like this:


  "linters": {
    "*.js": [
    "**/*.+(js|jsx|css|less|scss|ts|tsx|md)": [
      "prettier --write",
      "git add"
boasbabs profile image
Adeyemi Simeon

Thanks a lot for the tip. I will try it out