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Discussion on: A Better Way to Deploy Rails app on Heroku

juanvqz profile image
Juan Vasquez

Why is better puma for heroku?

vonhyou profile image
Regular 🍟

It depends, according to the documentation:

... Puma is a webserver that competes with Unicorn and allows you to handle concurrent requests. Puma uses threads, in addition to worker processes, to make more use of available CPU. You can only utilize threads in Puma if your entire code-base is thread safe. Otherwise, you can still use Puma, but must only scale-out through worker processes.

Link: Deploying Rails Applications with the Puma Web Server

juanvqz profile image
Juan Vasquez

I have been using puma because it's the "default" way in Heroku, at least for me it's super easy to use it.