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Cover image for The Joys of Slack
Jackson Reeves
Jackson Reeves

Posted on

The Joys of Slack

If you’re new to Slack and aren’t quite sure how to navigate all its functionalities, this guide might help! Included: tips on how to pep up your posts with different styles, a hands-holding guide to replying to a post in its thread as opposed to just in the general channel, and a note about emojis.


  • new line: shift + enter (without the shift, it’ll post)
  • post: enter (no shift this time)
  • keywords: surround text with backticks (e.g., keyword text)
  • bold: surround text with asterisks (e.g., bolded text)
  • italicize: surround text with underscores (e.g., italicized text)
  • lists: begin message with the numeral one ( 1 ) for ordered lists or an asterisk ( * ) for unordered lists
  • block quote: begin line with a bracket ( > ); get out of it by creating a new line
  • inline code: begin with triple backticks ( `` ); get out of it by closing it with triple backticks * code snippet: click lightning bolt in new message, then select create a code or text snippet, then select what language to use in the type` dropdown menu, then paste in the editor


  • reply to a post by clicking the chat bubble icon to go to the thread
  • post your comment as a reply in that specific thread, as opposed to in the general channel stream


  • use emojis to quickly reply to a message without using text
  • have everyone click on a certain emoji to indicate they’ve completed a task


  • grab someone’s attention by using the “at” symbol ( @ ) before their username
  • users get notifications of their mentions


  • send a private message to specific user by going to the All DMs link in the top left of the main sidebar
  • type a user into the search bar to pull them up, then send them your message


  • organize discussions into different sections, based on their primary focus
  • searchable
  • join or leave as needed
  • all your channels appear in your sidebar under channels
  • stars: star channels to pull them out of the general channels section of the sidebar and into a new starred section of the sidebar
  • pins: pin important messages in threads, so they’ll always be accessible via the pin icon in the top left corner of a channel’s stream


  • you can link up third-party platforms like Dropbox or Google Calendar


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