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Jamael Tanveer Nayon
Jamael Tanveer Nayon

Posted on

Configure Android emulator to access web app hosted on local machine

If you want to access a web application hosted on your local machine hosted with xampp or mamp configured with custom local domain using virtualhost from an Android emulator, do the following:

  1. Create AVD with Google APIs image (not Google Play image)
  2. Execute the following commands:
adb root
adb remount
adb pull /system/etc/hosts .
nano hosts
  1. Add your required entries like the following:       localhost
::1             ip6-localhost        your.custom.domain
  1. After that Execute the following commands
adb push hosts /system/etc/hosts
adb reboot

Oldest comments (1)

neoacevedo profile image
neoacevedo • Edited

adb remount
remount of the / superblock failed: Permission denied