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Discussion on: Feeling good about your day, and motivation

jsrn profile image

That's the trick: lots of tricks.

That's a really good way of putting it. I've never gained anything lasting from these articles that present "one amazing hack to be productive and healthy and funny and sexy forever and ever."

In the times where I'm doing well, my productivity is held together with a dozen confusing buttresses and duct tape.

A lot of my tricks come down to making things easy for future me. If you know it takes you too long to pick clothes, and it's not something you enjoy, consider something like a capsule wardrobe or a personal uniform.

If you always drink three cups of coffee per day, make a thermos in the morning.

In short, figure out what's getting in the way of the stuff you actually want to get done, and find a way to streamline those processes.

Most of the things I've thought deeply about so far focus on arranging the rest of my life around work & activities, so I'm really interested to hear what helps people during work hours.

progrium profile image
Jeff Lindsay • Edited

Well it's worth pointing out how important getting the rest of your life/day/routine in order is to support your working hours. You don't get as much out of work hours if you aren't sleeping and eating well, for example.

During work hours, I've used pomodoro to great effect. I don't need it with streaming now. Setting a goal and regularly checking that you're not yak shaving is helpful. Proper ergonomics is a big deal. Creating an enjoyable space to work in helps me a lot.