DEV Community

Jura Skrlec
Jura Skrlec

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Audio Engine in iOS

I haven’t touched Swift and SwiftUI for a while, but watching the WWDC24 videos reignited my excitement to dive deeper into Swift and SwiftUI. I’m eager to learn more about them and integrate them into all my future projects in some form. Having worked with Objective-C++ for over a decade, I’m particularly interested in understanding the differences and learning how to tackle problems using Swift, especially with the new Swift Concurrency features.

Additionally, there’s a specific area I’ve been wanting to explore for a while: audio development on iOS. So, I decided to combine my interest in Swift with AVAudioEngine, and that’s how the JSWaveform was born. You can check out the Swift package on my Github.

There’s a lot more on my blog, so check out my site :)

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