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Jacob Kim
Jacob Kim

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Using Goroutines is Slower??

Ah, goroutines. One of the most defining features of the Go programming language. Once you understand the syntax of goroutines and the theory behind concurrency, you feel as if you just gained a superpower. A hammer, if you will. We get so excited to make everything concurrent. I am definitely guilty. I mean, why not, right? Concurrency solves the issue of blocking code, so making everything as concurrent as possible will speed things up, right?

Sometimes, too much is too much, and not everything is a nail that you can hammer.

But first, an introduction to concurrency in Go

Reading this post, you probably have at least some experience writing concurrent Go code. But just in case, I will explain concurrency and goroutines quickly.

As we get better at programming and build bigger projects, we inevitably run into an obstacle. There is a job that takes at least a couple of seconds. Maybe that job is sending an email to your users. Maybe it is reading and parsing CSV or JSON. Maybe it's just a stupidly complicated calculation. It's a bit better if your program is meant to serve one or two users at a time. However, imagine having to send a million emails or having to parse a million JSON stream objects. Your service will be blocked by these slow operations, and people will have a horrible experience using it.

How do we solve this? A person thought about this question for some time and decided to think about it more after he cooked dinner. He wanted a nice, juicy grilled chicken. He started marinating the chicken and put it in the fridge to let it sit for 30 minutes. While the chicken was sitting in the fridge, he started chopping some lettuce and onions for his salad... then it came to him. This is what he needed to do! Just let the blocking code run first, and run other bits of the code in the meantime! He can just check on the chicken once it's done marinating, and grill it later!

The above story is a gross oversimplification of how concurrent programs work. Go uses goroutines to delegate these tasks. The main goroutine is responsible for running the main function, and the worker goroutines each handle parts of the code to run concurrently.

Now, concurrency is a bit different from parallelism, a similar concept. However, parallelism is like having two chefs cooking different things at the same time, while concurrency is like having one chef juggling different tasks. Yes, this might be confusing. I think the confusion stems from us treating each goroutine like separate objects. We call them worker goroutines to simplify them, but they aren't actually separate workers working together. They are merely separate processes that are fired off by a single chef. They are goroutines, not goworkers (Get it? Coroutines and coworkers? Yeah? ...Ok I'll stop).

It's super effective!

We will use this snippet below for our experiment.

package main

import (

func main() {
    db := map[string][][]string{
        "AgeDataset-V1.csv": nil,
        "neo_v2.csv":        nil,
        "nba.csv":           nil,
        "airquality.csv":    nil,
        "titanic.csv":       nil,
    for file := range db {
        db[file] = ReadCsv(file)

func ReadCsv(filepath string) [][]string {
    f, err := os.Open(filepath)
    if err != nil {
    defer f.Close()

    csvr := csv.NewReader(f)
    rows, err := csvr.ReadAll()
    if err != nil {

    return rows
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ReadCsv is a very simple code used to read CSV files. It accepts the file's path and returns the data inside the file in a format of [][]string. The main function contains a db object which is a map that matches the file path to the data inside. This main function is serial because the for loop won't move onto the next iteration until the operation inside the loop is done.

Here is a concurrent version of the main function:

func main() {
    db := map[string][][]string{
        "AgeDataset-V1.csv": nil,
        "neo_v2.csv":        nil,
        "nba.csv":           nil,
        "airquality.csv":    nil,
        "titanic.csv":       nil,

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for file := range db {
        go func(file string) {
            defer wg.Done()
            db[file] = ReadCsv(file)
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We first create wg, a waitgroup that keeps check of how many goroutines are still working. For each file, we fire off a goroutine that runs ReadCsv and subtracts 1 from wg once it's done. We wait at the end until every goroutine is done.

Our benchmark code is very simple:

func BenchmarkMain(b *testing.B) {
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
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Here are the benchmark results:

// serial
$ go test -bench=Main -benchtime=10s
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
BenchmarkMain-8               18         609132683 ns/op
ok    11.633s

// concurrent
$ go test -bench=Main -benchtime=10s
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
BenchmarkMain-8               20         559101265 ns/op
ok    11.781s
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You can see that the concurrent code ran about 50ms faster than the serial code. We are happy in these cases: concurrency does make our code run faster. Let's see what happens when this doesn't happen.

It's not very effective...

Let's see when using goroutines backfires.

func FindSum(list []int) int {
    sum := 0
    for _, number := range list {
        sum += number
    return sum

func FindSumConc(list []int) int {
    sum := 0
    var rwm sync.RWMutex

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for _, number := range list {
        go func(number int) {
            defer wg.Done()
            defer rwm.Unlock()
            sum += number

    return sum
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These are the two functions we will use to run our second experiment. Both of these return a sum of integers in a list. The concurrent version uses a mutex to prevent data race. This means that when one goroutine is writing to sum, no other goroutines can write to it.

We will use this benchmark code:

func BenchmarkFindSum(b *testing.B) {
    list := make([]int, 0)
    for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
        list = append(list, rand.Intn(1000000))
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

func BenchmarkFindSumConc(b *testing.B) {
    list := make([]int, 0)
    for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
        list = append(list, rand.Intn(1000000))
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
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Here are the results:

$ go test -bench=FindSum -benchtime=10s
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
BenchmarkFindSum-8                 50497            243623 ns/op
BenchmarkFindSumConc-8                45         266713213 ns/op
ok    27.144s
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Surprising, isn't it? You'd assume that the concurrent version runs faster. After all, there are a million integers to add. But no, the concurrent version is about 1000 times slower.

Why is this the case?

Simply put, it is because of the nature of the two problems. There are two main types of bottlenecks that a software developer encounters:

  • CPU-bound jobs. These are jobs that are reliant on your CPU's speed. Jobs like complex calculation, breaking encryption, and finding the nth digit of pi are CPU-bound.

  • IO-bound jobs. These are jobs that are reliant on read speeds and write speeds. Jobs like reading data from files, and requesting a resource over a network are IO-bound.

In our example, our first example of reading CSV files is IO-bound, because the goroutines have to call the operating system for reading files and wait until the data can be used. Our second example of calculating the sum is CPU-bound because we are constantly calculating until we are done with the last integer in the list.

There is a concept we need to understand when dealing with concurrency. When there are multiple goroutines running, our scheduler that manages the goroutines needs to decide which goroutine to run. Remember, concurrency isn't running several jobs simultaneously; it's about juggling between tasks. This act of juggling is called a context switch.

Here's an issue; when we context switch from one goroutine to another, the goroutine that got swapped out is technically paused for the time being. More exactly, they go into either of the two states: waiting or runnable. A waiting state means that the goroutine is waiting on a response from the system or the network. A runnable state means that the goroutine wants attention so that it can run whatever it was doing.

Let's think about this. When the goroutine is in a waiting state, the scheduler doesn't have to spend time worrying about it for now, because the goroutine has to wait for a response anyways. The momentary pause is therefore mostly fine. However, if the goroutine is in a running state, this means that the calculation is paused until the scheduler swaps it in. A momentary pause here would be devastating to performance.

If you need to throw and catch ten balls, it's an IO-bound task. You throw one ball, then move on to the next ball. You're not slowing down your progress when you switch, because when you throw a ball, that ball will need time to fly up and come back down anyways. You are basically throwing the rest of the balls during a downtime.

If you need to empty ten baskets of balls, however, it's a CPU-bound task. The only way to make this faster is to throw away the balls faster. Switching from one basket to the other stops any emptying from happening in other baskets. So here, switching doesn't help you finish any faster. If anything, the act of switching to another basket will add latency and slow you down.

IO-bound jobs benefit much more from concurrent designs than CPU-bound ones. We can see this in our benchmark results as well.


Hopefully, this post wasn't too confusing. I remember getting absolutely lost when trying to study concurrency. If you ever wondered why your concurrent code runs slow, check if your job is CPU-bound or IO-bound. If it's CPU-bound, you may need to utilize parallelism instead. Or more simply, do some optimization and improve your algorithm's time complexity.

Thanks for reading! You can read this post on Medium and my personal site.

Top comments (7)

peerreynders profile image

Our second example of calculating the sum is CPU-bound because we are constantly calculating until we are done with the last integer in the list.

You have a list of integers.

Presumably you have multiple cores.

Split up the list into sub-lists that can be (potentially) distributed over the cores then sum the results coming from the sub-lists.

func FindSumSplit(n int, list []int) int {
    // divide into non-overlapping segments
    segment := make([][]int, 0, n)
    size := (len(list) + n - 1) / n
    for i := 0; i < len(list); i += size {
        end := i + size
        if end > len(list) {
            end = len(list)
        segment = append(segment, list[i:end])

    // spread the load
    result := make([]int, n);
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for i, values := range segment {
        go func(index int, sublist []int) {
            defer wg.Done()
            sum := 0;
            for _, number := range sublist {
                sum += number
            result[index] = sum
        }(i, values)

    // total intermediate results
    total := 0;
    for _, segmentSum := range result {
        total += segmentSum
    return total
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func makeRandList() []int {
    capacity := 1000000
    list := make([]int, capacity)
    for i := range list {
        list[i] = rand.Intn(capacity)
    return list

func BenchmarkFindSumSplit(b *testing.B) {
    list := makeRandList()
    n := runtime.NumCPU()
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        FindSumSplit(n, list)
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$ go test -bench=FindSum -benchtime=10s
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkFindSumSplit-8        82638        143921 ns/op
BenchmarkFindSum-8             25990        445229 ns/op
BenchmarkFindSumConc-8            33     329398034 ns/op
ok  41.205s
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Concurrent programming requires that you view (or look for) computational work as a set of independent computational tasks that can be coordinated in some way.

jpoly1219 profile image
Jacob Kim

Are you a wizard? I think I just found one! Thank you for the example code, will definitely apply the concepts in my code from now on.

Because I am curious, I have some questions! If you don't mind me asking:

  • I couldn't help but to think that using one goroutine per core be slightly underwhelming? I understand that it's probably going to be really efficient because the scheduler has to do less work, but that runtime.NumCpu() cap seems to... disrespect the whole "lightweight concurrency" thing Go has going for it. I thought the point of it was to be able to use more of it without losing performance?

  • On the same line, based on your experience, what would you say is the sweet spot for the number of goroutines? Because too little seems to be disrespecting Go, and using too much will overwhelm the scheduler with performance tax.

Again, thank you for the thorough example!

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders • Edited

Are you a wizard?

Far from it. As it is working through A Tour of Go over three years ago was all I had to go on. And some mad googling. And some 3+ years of using Erlang/Elixir. So you've been warned about my lack of expertise.

think that using one goroutine per core be slightly underwhelming?

The number of cores represent your maximum effective parallelism. While each core can support thousands of threads, all those threads share the core and switching from one thread to another imposes the processing overhead of a context switch. Threads work because most of the time they are blocked, waiting for something else to happen, so another thread may as well get some work done.

In this case the thread won't be blocked by IO so (short of cache misses) it can just tear through its work—no need to slow it down with context switches.

As it is runtime.NumCPU() reports 8 cores. But 445229 / 143921 = 3.09356522. The CPU has 4 physical, hyper-threaded cores; so each core is reported as 2. For this workload there is no benefit from hyper-threading.

"If I have a 10 core computer I just want it to run 10 times faster, if I have a 100 core computer it should run 100 times faster. When we program in Erlang this is approximately true. Our goal is that applications run 0.75 x N times faster on an N-core computer." (From the description of:)

So with a 4 (physical) core CPU a 3x speedup is about a good as you can get.

"disrespect the whole "lightweight concurrency" thing Go has going for it."

The benefit of lightweight concurrency is that having lots of units of concurrency that aren't doing much of anything most of the time is incredibly cheap. Lightweight concurrency only means that the unit of concurrency isn't tied to a specific thread. Naive concurrency maps one unit of concurrency to one thread; all the coordination work is done by the operating system and the computational context of a thread is fairly heavy.

In lightweight concurrency the thread is owned by a scheduler (and typically there is one scheduler per core) and it's the scheduler which incurs the cost of coordinating/scheduling the work of the goroutines it is responsible for. I don't know how it's done in Go but on the Erlang VM a scheduler can "steal" BEAM Processes from overloaded schedulers; so in that case work isn't even bound to a core.

In lightweight concurrency a unit of concurrent work is represented primarily by its current working state. That means there is very little overhead to having lots of units (goroutines/BEAM processes) that don't do anything most of the time (because they are blocked or waiting for something to happen) other than the memory necessary to preserve their current local state—something which can't be said of threads.

the point of it was to be able to use more of it without losing performance.

The point is to be able to break work down to such a fine grain so that it is possible to always make progress on something while everything else is blocked. But that level of micromanagement incurs a coordination cost that reduces the capacity to perform work. So there is a balance to be struck; break it down so far that so that core idle time is minimal but not so far that coordination overhead eats into your capacity to perform work.

what would you say is the sweet spot for the number of goroutines?

The answer that everybody hates: "it depends". In this case the routines could go independently full bore so it makes little sense to have more than the number of (virtual) cores. In other cases you may have routines that don't do much of anything other than hold their local state but you need to have thousands of them because each has a distinct identity.

Though due to Go's CSP orientation I'd expect that to happen a lot less than in Erlang/Elixir.

Thread Thread
jpoly1219 profile image
Jacob Kim

Wow, I didn't know I'd run into deep insights like this. Trust me, you have MUCH more experience than I do, and I am the student in this relationship xD Thank you so much for all the help!

xs profile image
Ismayil Mirzali

Doesn't the first example have a race condition because you're writing to the db variable without sync? I'm not sure the go test subcommand takes in -race but I think go run does, to be able to check for these race conditions during runtime.

jpoly1219 profile image
Jacob Kim

Thanks for pointing it out! You are correct, the first example indeed has a race condition. I just thought that for demo purposes, I wouldn't need to be too strict with race conditions because each goroutine is accessing different keys of the map.

Ideally I would've made a db struct with the map and a mutex, and lock/unlock it to prevent any race condition.

xs profile image
Ismayil Mirzali

That may or may not be affecting performance, I'm not sure if Go implicitly would prevent multiple goroutines to write at the same time to the map.