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Discussion on: Working with your UIViewController and SwiftUI

jpelayo profile image
jpelayo • Edited

Almost there with my test, but the original ViewController lacks something, as the compiler cries:

Protocol 'View' requirement '_makeView(view:inputs:)' cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('ViewController') because it uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position

Can you point me to the "non-final class" fundamentals?

Thanks for the pathway!

PS: Adding "final" to the class declaration compiles, but no view is rendered

kevinmaarek profile image

Can you provide some of your SwiftUI code ?

jpelayo profile image
jpelayo • Edited

Thanks... but... solved!

Thing is that you can also do:

 func makeUIViewController(context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<MyView>) -> ViewController {

        return UIStoryboard(name: "MyViewControllerStoryboard", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(identifier: String(describing: ViewController.self)) as! ViewController

