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How to make an API with dotnet core

JPBlancoDB on November 18, 2019

The goal of this post is to explain the purposes of the most important stuff going on in the process of creating an API for a blog. One considerati...
katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

I just tried this but there was no ValuesController generated. There was only a WeatherForecastController with just a Get method. There was also no wwwroot generated. I'm running .Net Core 3.0.100 on Windows 10.
I was able to start it and got a result through the browser. Now I can look through the attributes for defining the routes.
Thanks for the post.

jpblancodb profile image

Hi Katie! Thanks for your comment, indeed you have differences because I've used netcore 2.2. I'll clarify this in the post. Nevertheless, the explanation of how it works and what the different annotations mean remains the same.
Thanks again!

dayvster profile image
Dayvster šŸŒŠ

Hi there Katie, are you using Visual Studio 2019? or are you on VS Code?

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

I used VS Code. Why, is there a difference?

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dayvster profile image
Dayvster šŸŒŠ

Not really but I was gonna recommend simply creating the web API project via Visual Studio 2019, since visual studio will template it for you.

Or alternatively using the visual studio 2019 create conroller function, which will create a controller skeleton for you

Odd that the dotnet new webapi did not correctly create your project template.

perhaps if you were to install
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator

via powershell, more info on that available here and here

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

In the future, I'll probably scaffold using VS2019. I only did it through the command line to follow the post.

I think I got different results because I'm using a newer version of .NET Core. There is so much stuff here to learn šŸ˜„

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dayvster profile image
Dayvster šŸŒŠ

Could be, I can't say I tried the dotnet new command yet on .NET Core 3.0.

If you'd like I could give it a test at home and let you know my results.

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Oh, that's so sweet of you, but it's not really necessary, I've got the gist of what's going on with this. I need to concentrate on building this API for our project. Now at least the structure of how to do it is put together. I'm adjusting things to run async for the rest of the methods.

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dayvster profile image
Dayvster šŸŒŠ

Well happy developing!

joedotnot profile image

This is too simplistic, I guess anyone can easily obtain same info from "getting started" on the Microsoft website. To be useful, I suggest making the article a bit more challenging, For example, Try to return a specific Http Status code, e.g. 422 to some client library, and actually capture the status code client side.