DEV Community

Jozeene Bailey
Jozeene Bailey

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Markdown Madness

I first met Markdown when I was learning Python. I was using Jupyter Notebooks, and it was incredibly mindblowing to me that you could write code snippets and have images and text to document and explain the same code snippets, then run the code and see the results of the run code AT THE SAME TIME. WHAT?!

So I learnt a few tricks here and there.

Then life happened.

As I got more into coding, I was driven to text editors and CLI, etc... etc. So I stopped using markdown for a while.

Recently, however, I've been getting more serious about pushing to GitHub, and I realized that if you're interested in getting people to know what your repo is all about, YOU BETTER HAVE A GREAT!

I honestly didn't want to have to be struggling to get my Markdown to look great, and if you've ever used LaTex, you probably understand what I mean.
That's when I met Dillinger.
Alt Text

SO if you are struggling with learning and remembering Markdown for whatever reason, just hop on over. Then you can practise HERE on Because that's what I'm using to type MY FIRST POST ♥️

And if you want to learn more about Markdown head over to Markdown Guide.

P.S. Emojis are fun in Markdown ->

Sidenote: Recommended LaTex Editor -> Overleaf

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