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Israel Parra
Israel Parra

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Chapter 4 - Advantages of Using Go for Web Development

Chapter 4 - Advantages of Using Go for Web Development

Building our first webservice with Go (Part 1)


Welcome to the fourth part of this series dedicated to microservice architecture, In this chapter we start focusing our learning on Golang programming language implemented to build our microservices.

In this first part will evaluate the advantages that Golang offers to be one of the most popular and better languages to be used at time to develop our microservices.

The following list is the previous chapters of this series:

I recommend you take a look at the previous chapters if you have not read them yet. That will help you to get more knowledge in this wonderful world of “Microservices architecture”.


This chapter will give a significant turn to this learning journey related to the construction of microservices in Go since this chapter will focus on the fundamental concepts behind the creation of a Web Service in Go, the advantages that Go offers for web development, and how it can significantly improve the productivity and performance of our applications will be analyzed.


In this chapter, the following topics will be covered:

  • Introducing Go programming language

  • Understanding the advantages of using Go for web development

Introducing Go programming language


Go, also known as Golang, is a remarkable open-source programming language introduced by Google in 2007. It was developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson, to combine efficiency and ease of use in a modern programming language.

Being a compiled language, Go boasts exceptional speed and security. Its feature set includes automatic garbage collection, static typing, type inference, and an intuitive syntax that enhances code readability and writing ease. Moreover, Go presents a distinctive concurrency model, employing goroutines and channels, enabling programmers to effortlessly create concurrent and parallel programs with a high degree of safety.

This powerful blend of performance, efficiency, and code clarity has propelled Golang to earn widespread recognition in the software development industry. Consequently, it has found extensive applications in building high-performance systems, web applications, services, and command-line tools. Go’s versatility and strong reputation have made it a popular choice among developers seeking to tackle complex projects while ensuring robustness and maintainability.

More information related to this programming language can be found on its official website

Understanding the advantages of using Go for web development


This topic will thoroughly examine the multitude of advantages that Go brings to web service development. Will be explored key aspects such as its impressive performance, efficient concurrency model, automatic garbage collector, robust standard library, and more.

By listing these essential features, The aim is to gain valuable insights into why Go has garnered immense popularity, solidifying its position as one of the primary programming languages for building web services in the software industry. Through this exploration, Will be uncovered the remarkable capabilities that have made Go a favored choice among developers, enabling them to craft highly performant and reliable web services with ease.

Golang stands out as an exceptional choice for creating web services, thanks to a powerful combination of features that are covered later in this chapter. It should be noted that thanks to its remarkable performance, it ensures that web applications are highly responsive and can handle heavy workloads with ease. In addition, thanks to its wide acceptance, Golang has strong support from the community, which provides a wealth of resources and expertise, ranging from extensive documentation, to a wide range of third-party libraries, resulting in great support for developers as they have the tools they need to overcome challenges and streamline web services development.

Some of the advantages are the following:



Performance is one of the most compelling aspects of Golang. With its compiled nature and efficient concurrency model, Golang brings exceptional speed and high-performance capabilities to web applications.

The compiled nature of Golang allows our code to be translated into machine code, resulting in faster execution times and optimized performance. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for web applications that require quick response times and high throughput.


As web applications grow and face higher traffic, Go’s scalability becomes a key asset, enabling seamless expansion without sacrificing performance. The golang lightweight goroutines empower to build web services that can effortlessly handle high loads and accommodate the demands of a rapidly expanding user base, making it an excellent choice for developing scalable and high-performance web applications.


The simple and concise syntax defined by Golang makes it easy to read and maintain code, even in large codebases, it helps to reduce the learning curve, promote code cleanliness, and enhance developer productivity.


Standard Library

Go’s standard library provides a lot of essential functionalities for web development. It encompasses a wide range of comprehensive packages specifically designed to handle HTTP, JSON, encryption, and more, streamlining various web development tasks. That means that developers don’t have to rely heavily on third-party libraries for common functionalities. Whether it’s handling HTTP requests and responses, parsing and encoding JSON data, or implementing secure encryption, the standard library provides robust and reliable solutions right out of the box.



Goroutines and channels offer an elegant and straightforward approach to concurrent programming, empowering developers to construct highly efficient and responsive web applications with ease. Additionally, Golang’s built-in concurrency primitives, such as channels, simplify communication and synchronization in web applications, further enhancing their reliability and performance.

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Garbage Collection

Automatic garbage collection in Go relieves developers from the burden of manual memory management, significantly reducing the risk of memory-related bugs.

With automatic garbage collection, the developers no longer need to worry about deallocating memory manually, as the Go runtime takes care of identifying and reclaiming unused memory automatically. This advantage reduces the chances of memory leaks and other common memory-related issues that can plague applications.


Static Typing

This characteristic helps to catch errors at compile-time, providing greater reliability and safety.


The self-contained nature of these binaries ensures the deployment effortlessly, regardless of the target environment or configurations.

This level of portability is very valuable, as it allows to distribution of the applications to different platforms and systems without the need for recompilation or complex setup procedures. Whether deploying on a local development machine, a staging server, or a production environment, the self-contained nature of Golang binaries ensures a consistent and hassle-free deployment experience.



Golang offers a robust core library for testing, empowering developers to ensure code quality through automated testing. With its built-in testing framework and clear test syntax, Golang facilitates the creation of comprehensive test suites, allowing us to verify the correctness and reliability of our code effortlessly. The simplicity and effectiveness of Golang’s testing capabilities enable more reliable and maintainable applications, contributing to a seamless development experience and higher code confidence.


Error handling

The error handling in Go is a powerful and elegant approach that promotes explicit error checking, contributing to enhanced code reliability and maintainability.

By requiring developers to handle errors explicitly, Go ensures that potential issues are not overlooked, leading to more robust and resilient applications. This approach also encourages developers to write cleaner and more organized code, making it easier to understand and maintain over time.

With clear and structured error handling, identifying and addressing potential problems is done very quickly, improving the overall quality and stability of our Golang projects. Embracing Go’s error-handling philosophy empowers us to build more reliable software and fosters a culture of code excellence within the development team.

Static analysis

in Go is an invaluable feature that greatly aids in maintaining code quality and consistency. With built-in tools such as go fmt, can be easily performed static analysis on our codebase, ensuring that it adheres to standardized formatting and identifying potential issues early in the development process.

The Go fmt tool, for instance, automatically formats the code to adhere to the official Go style guide, making the codebase more readable and maintainable across the team.

Embracing static analysis as a routine part of our development workflow allows us to focus on building robust and efficient applications while adhering to the best practices and conventions of the Go community.


This point is one of the most advantageous aspects of working with Go. Its remarkable compilation speed empowers developers to iterate rapidly during the development process. This efficiency in compilation aligns perfectly with Go’s overall design philosophy of simplicity and productivity. Enabling to write and test code in shorter cycles, Helping to reduce the risk of introducing errors, and streamlining the overall development workflow.

Resource Efficiency

Go is meticulously designed to be lightweight and highly resource-efficient. This feature is especially beneficial for the development of microservices since these systems often operate in environments with limited resources.

The streamlined nature of Go allows microservices to run efficiently and without requiring large amounts of memory or processing power. This is essential to maintain optimal performance, especially when deploying multiple microservices in a distributed environment.


This is another of the standout features of Go, making it an incredibly flexible and powerful language that transcends the boundaries of web development. Beyond its exceptional capabilities for building web services, Go shines as a multipurpose language, perfectly suited for a wide range of domains.

Community and Support

The growing Go community provides extensive resources, libraries, and support for web development. In addition, Go receives continuous improvements and updates, ensuring its long-term viability.



The quality of documentation on Golang is one of the key factors that have driven the adoption and popularity of the language. Since it is widely recognized for being clear, complete, and very useful as it provides excellent information about the language and its standard library, such documentation is available on the official site

In addition to the official documentation, the Go developer community has contributed a wide variety of tutorials, guides, posts, and online examples. These additional resources allow developers to access more specialized information and share knowledge with other members of the community.



Whether you’re developing a small-scale API or large-scale microservices, Golang’s strengths go into building fast, reliable, and efficient web services.

Adopting Go as the programming language of choice for our web services enables developers to address the demands of modern web applications with confidence and deliver solutions that excel in both performance and maintainability.

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the advantages that Golang offers position it as a language with a vision of the future, which guarantees long-term viability for the development of web services.

As more companies and developers recognize its advantages, Golang continues to solidify its position as the best choice for building web services that provide exceptional user experiences and adapt to ever-changing demands.

Next readings:

Chapter 5 “Understanding HTTP Protocols and REST APIs”.

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