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Discussion on: How would you go about detecting the height of content within an iframe?

joshuatz profile image
Joshua Tzucker • Edited

Since offsetHeight does not take into account non-visible content due to a scrollbar, it can often be significantly different than the true absolute (visible + non-visible) value, which is usually more accurate with scrollHeight. This, in turn, usually closely matches with getBoundingClientRect(), with the main difference being that scrollHeight will round to an integer, whereas bounding will return a fractional (float). [Edited: Thanks Nicholas]

So my recommendation would be for getBoundingClientRect as the most accurate.

As for implementation details, it seems like the most common pattern is to measure within the iframe using either document.body.offsetHeight or document.body.getBoundingClientRect().height, and then pass the height to the parent window via postMessage. The parent window has an listener for it, and upon receiving it, resizes the iframe.

For a practical example, JSFiddle uses the patterns I've outlined to dynamically resize their fiddle embeds which you can generate and place onto sites. You can see that in the parent window embed code, they have set up an event listener. And within the iframe embed JS, they get the height with getBoundingClientRect() and pass it via postMessage:

Embed.prototype.setHeight = function(element) {
  var activeTab, height;
  activeTab = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  height = activeTab.height;
  return this.pushMessage("embed", {
    slug: slug,
    height: height

// Code for pushMessage just uses postMessage:
Utils.prototype.pushMessage = function(name, value) {
  if (value == null) {
    value = {};
  return window.parent.postMessage([name, value], "*");

A library that was linked to in the StackOverflow you posted, iframe-resizer, uses postMessage and defaults to using offsetHeight.

alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson • Edited

Neither offsetHeight nor getBoundingClientRect include margins. They never include absolutely positioned elements with no positioned ancestor, and will return a height of 0 if their computed display value is "contents". scrollHeight on the root element has none of those problems.

joshuatz profile image
Joshua Tzucker

Thanks for the comment; I think I got offsetHeight and scrollHeight mixed up in my head, and it looks like scrollHeight is generally better than offset since it is computed for the height of the element as if all of it were visible, even if in reality you need to scroll to view its entirety. I've updated my original comment to address this.

However, as for the comment about margins, can you provide a source? Because based on the MDN docs, it certainly looks like scrollHeight is not supposed to include margins either. And for the 'display:contents' issue, I was not able to reproduce:
Root element - Changing to display:contents

However, when changing display to contents for a non-root element, all of the methods, including scrollHeight, seemed to fail:
non root element - changing to display:contents

All I can really say with 100% certainty is this stuff is complicated! I found this interesting thread from the Google AMP project which shows how even the "big guys" have trouble with this.

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alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson

Yes, yes and yes. MDN is slightly lacking in this area, and you really need to read the actual specs.

First, on display:contents, I specfically said the "computed value" because the relevant spec says "The root element’s display type is always blockified. Additionally, a display of contents computes to block on the root element."

Second, on the matter of margins, it differs depending on whether we're dealing with the root element or not. Step 4 of the rules for the calculation of the scrollHeight say that the root element is treated specially. It says that "If the element is the root element and document is not in quirks mode return max(viewport scrolling area height, viewport height)." The calculation of the viewport scrolling area is quite detailed but an abbreviation for the bottom edge says it's "The bottom-most edge of the bottom edge of the initial containing block and the bottom margin edge of all of the viewport’s descendants' boxes." (my emphasis) Note that the initial containing block itself doesn't have margins.

If you compare that with the rules for other elements, then you see that the margins of the target element are not counted, but the margins of its descendant boxes are counted.

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joshuatz profile image
Joshua Tzucker

Thanks for the clarification! Much appreciated since the specs can be rather dense and hard to understand at a glance.