DEV Community

Discussion on: Simplify web development. please!

joshualjohnson profile image
Joshua Johnson

I've also felt the pain you are talking about here. The reality is that the landscape has changed since the hayday of developing simple HTML/CSS/JS websites. As developers we need to be willing to go along with constantly learning new techniques to make our development practices better.

In huge enterprises, building a website with simple HTML/CSS/JS can't is not a scalable approach to maintaining websites. With that being said, we are seeing innovation because it had to happen in order for us to be able to scale our development efforts and be swift at developing more functionality.

With that being said, there is nothing stopping you from developing websites using the techniques of yesterday. If you feel comfortable with doing it that way, there is nothing wrong with that approach.

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

I agree that being a Web Developer implies being permanently learning, but suggesting a more simpler web doesn’t mean using the techniques of yesterday. You can apply modern techniques without having to use heavy/overcomplicated frameworks, libraries, or plugins.

iamzoka profile image
Zoran Zlokapa • Edited

Exactly! I'm not talking about learning new techniques, that's one of the things I love about web development. But using all the new tools because of wrong reasons, that's my problem.

Especially in enterprise and long term support solutions where you need to pay special attention to every detail, would you just add every new package you could think of? I think not.