A few months ago, I wrote a post on the AWS Mobile Blog that demonstrated how to invoke AWS service directly from AWS AppSync. In that case, I specifically focused on AWS Step Functions, but it is possible to integrate AppSync with many other AWS services. The goal of this post is to document the integration of AppSync with services beyond Step Functions.
AWS AppSync uses GraphQL resolvers to define the interaction between AppSync and each data source. These are Apache Velocity Templates that will be unique per GraphQL operation. By moving integration of AWS services to resolvers, we can minimize the maintenance of integration code. Velocity Templates generally require little upkeep over time. This approach can be even more maintainable than relying on a thin layer of Lambda code for integration, which would still require dependency management and updates.
Adding an AWS data source
The first step in integrating AppSync with an AWS service is to create an HTTP data source for the service. For an AWS service, the data source endpoint is set to the service API endpoint for the given AWS region and we configure SigV4 signing.
Currently, to configure signing of HTTP data sources, we can use either the AWS CLI or CloudFormation. My preference is to utilize CloudFormation for these needs, though my earlier blog post demonstrates the CLI approach as well. For example, we can add a new data source to invoke Amazon SQS using CloudFormation as follows
Type: AWS::AppSync::DataSource
ApiId: !GetAtt MyApi.ApiId
Name: SQSDataSource
Description: SQS Data Source
Type: HTTP
# IAM role defined elsewhere in AWS CloudFormation template
# Note: this role needs a policy with 'sqs:SendMessage' permission
ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt AppSyncServiceRole.Arn
Endpoint: !Sub https://sqs.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/
AuthorizationType: AWS_IAM
SigningRegion: !Ref AWS::Region
SigningServiceName: sqs
AppSync will require an AWS IAM role that allows the service to perform the desired action. For example, SQS would require sqs:SendMessage
permission and Step Functions states:StartExecution
After creating the data source, we can implement the resolvers that allow interaction with the AWS service. Letβs step through a few example integrations.
Amazon SQS
For each service reviewed in this post, we will start with a sample GraphQL schema that defines the interactions and data associated with the resolver.
We will begin with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), one of the earliest AWS services and one of my favorites for building reliable, decoupled workloads. Here, we send a messsage via a queue, though other operations are available as well. For example, we could list all messages on a particular queue.
input SendMessageInput {
email: String!
message: String!
type Message {
id: ID!
email: String!
message: String!
type Mutation {
sendMessage(input: SendMessageInput!): Message
AppSync can be used to deliver a message to an SQS Queue using the following resolver. While SQS also supports a POST
API as well, I have implemented here using a GET
. Note that the endpoint resource path includes the AWS Account ID and name of the queue. Infrastructure as code approaches, such as CloudFormation, would make wiring this information easy.
- Request Mapping
"version": "2018-05-29",
"method": "GET",
"resourcePath": "/<ACCOUNT_ID>/<QUEUE_NAME>",
"params": {
"query": {
"Action": "SendMessage",
"Version": "2012-11-05",
"MessageBody": "$util.urlEncode($util.toJson($ctx.args.input))"
The response from SQS is encoded in XML and can be easily transformed to a JSON payload using the $util
functions provided by AppSync.
- Response Mapping
#set( $result = $utils.xml.toMap($ctx.result.body) )
"id": "$result.SendMessageResponse.SendMessageResult.MessageId",
"email": "$ctx.args.input.email",
"message": "$ctx.args.input.message",
AWS Secrets Manager
AWS Secrets Manager allows customers to protect sensitive information such as API keys. In a future blog post, I will share how I incorporated Secrets Manager in an AWS AppSync Pipeline Resolver to first retrieve a secret API key before querying a third-party web service for data, all via AppSync resolvers. For now, we can simply retrieve and return a secret from Secrets Manager.
type Query {
getSecret(SecretName: String!): String
- Request Mapping
"version": "2018-05-29",
"method": "POST",
"resourcePath": "/",
"params": {
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
"x-amz-target": "secretsmanager.GetSecretValue"
"body": {
"SecretId": "$ctx.args.SecretName"
The response from SQS is encoded in XML and can be easily transformed to a JSON payload using the $util
functions provided by AppSync.
- Response Mapping
#set( $result = $util.parseJson($ctx.result.body) )
AWS Step Functions
Although I discussed Step Functions in the earlier mentioned blog, I will include starting a Step Functions state machine here for completeness and to document handling more complex input.
type Mutation {
submitOrder(input: OrderInput!): Order
- Request Mapping
$util.qr($ctx.stash.put("orderId", $util.autoId()))
"version": "2018-05-29",
"method": "POST",
"resourcePath": "/",
"params": {
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.0",
"body": {
"stateMachineArn": "<STATE_MACHINE_ARN>",
"input": "$util.escapeJavaScript($util.toJson($input))"
- Response Mapping
"id": "${ctx.stash.orderId}"
Please let me know if there are other integrations you would be interested in seeing.
Originally published at https://blog.iamjkahn.com
Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash
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