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Josh Eldridge
Josh Eldridge

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Making Your Android Project Modular With Convention Plugins

If you're like me, Gradle and other build tools can seem like magic bundles of text that just happen to build a functioning application. Over time I've noticed build tools like Gradle starting to make more sense. As an Android project grows you'll probably find the need to pull out code into separate modules to help decouple dependencies and allow other members to work on separate modules without worrying about conflicts. I'll discuss how we can make the process smoother with gradle convention plugins.

Before and After

When creating an Android module from scratch within Android Studio you will end up with a gradle build file that looks something like the below (I'm using Kotlin DSL .kts files and a central libs.version.toml file, they're great):

plugins {

android {
    namespace = "com.example.myexamplelibrary"
    compileSdk = 34

    defaultConfig {
        minSdk = 24

        testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"

    buildTypes {
        release {
            isMinifyEnabled = false
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = "1.8"

dependencies {
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You'll see that we already have 43 lines by default and a lot of magic numbers for specifying SDK versions as well as specifying compatibility with certain Java versions. One way to remove the hard coded constants and share them with other modules could be to pull them out into variables through buildSrc or into your libs.version.toml, but what if we took it further and condensed it down to something like:

plugins {

android {
  namespace = "com.example.myexamplelibrary"

dependencies {
  ...any extra dependencies needed for this module
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All of the repeated configuration we typically have to do inside of the android configuration block is now gone. But, obviously it's just moved elsewhere right?

It is, but now we're able to specify a convention plugin at the top of our library modules and inject the configuration we know we need.

How do we define the convention plugins?

I'll list the steps below I took to construct some convention plugins for my own project.

  • Create a directory at the base of your project called build-logic.
  • Create a kotlin/java module inside of that directory and name it convention (you can change the name of these but to match the directions below they'll need to match). You should now have a source folder and a build.gradle.kts file inside of the convention directory. We'll edit the build file in a bit.
  • Make sure you're using a libs.versions.toml file in your root project's gradle folder. Setup instructions for that can be found at the link above.
  • Add a settings.gradle.kts file to the build-logic directory with contents of:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
  versionCatalogs {
    create("libs") {
} = "build-logic"
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  • Now we'll fill out the build.gradle.kts inside of convention module, the jvmToolchain version and dependencies for this module will change based on what JVM version your project needs and what dependencies you're trying to reuse across the project. In my project I am making reusable plugins for android libraries and hilt setup currently:
plugins {
  // Needed to define our future convention plugin files using kotlin DSL syntax

group = "com.example.buildlogic"

kotlin {

dependencies {
// Comments below indicate what the reference in `libs.versions.toml` look like, the first is from `[versions]` and the second is the listing in `[libraries]`
// agp = 8.1.4
// com-android-gradle-plugin = { group = "", name = "gradle", version.ref = "agp" }

// org-jetbrains-kotlin-android = "1.9.22"
// org-jetbrains-kotlin-android-gradle-plugin = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", name = "kotlin-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "org-jetbrains-kotlin-android" }
// ksp = "1.9.22-1.0.17"
// ksp = { id = "", version.ref = "ksp" }
// hilt = "2.50"
// hilt-gradle-plugin = { group = "", name = "hilt-android-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "hilt" }
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You'll notice that we are specifying these as libraries and not plugins, this is because these plugin libraries are dependencies that are needed by the convention plugins instead of us directly using them as plugins within our android modules like we normally would.

  • Now go to the base settings.gradle.kts at the root of your project and add build-logic as an included build:
pluginManagement {
    repositories {
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  • Time for the fun part, actually filling out the convention module with convention plugins. You could do this with just writing the plugins as Kotlin classes class AndroidLibraryConventionPlugin : Plugin<Project> {, but I chose to use a mix of Kotlin extension syntax and Kotlin DSL syntax in gradle. If you want to create a convention plugin for reuse in all of your Android libraries, you can create a android-library-convention.gradle.kts file inside of src/main/kotlin (file name is up to you, but will impact what name you need to use to import this plugin later). Here is what my Android library plugin looks like:
plugins {

android {

kotlin {
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Really simple, but what are these commonConfiguration and configureKotlinAndroid functions doing? They are just functions defined in an ext directory alongside the plugin folders. I have an AndroidExt.kt file with the contents of:

import org.gradle.api.artifacts.VersionCatalogsExtension
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinAndroidProjectExtension

fun org.gradle.api.Project.commonConfiguration(
    extension: CommonExtension<*, *, *, *, *>
) = extension.apply {
    compileSdk = versionCatalog.findVersion("compile-sdk").get().requiredVersion.toInt()

    defaultConfig {
        minSdk = versionCatalog.findVersion("min-sdk").get().requiredVersion.toInt()
        testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
    buildFeatures {
        buildConfig = true

fun org.gradle.api.Project.configureKotlinAndroid(
    kotlinAndroidProjectExtension: KotlinAndroidProjectExtension
) {
    kotlinAndroidProjectExtension.apply {

val org.gradle.api.Project.versionCatalog
    get() = extensions.getByType(
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and a Utilities.kt file that currently just has:

package ext

import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.VersionCatalog
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.VersionCatalogsExtension

val Project.libs: VersionCatalog
    get() {
        val catalogs = extensions.getByType(
        return catalogs.named("libs")
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You can see that we've pulled a lot of the repeated configuration code we normally write in our gradle files and put them inside these reusable functions. The final piece to the puzzle is just declaring the id("android-library-convention") plugin like we did in the above example

plugins {

android {
  namespace = "com.example.myexamplelibrary"

dependencies {
  ...any extra dependencies needed for this module
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You can be flexible and move as much as you want into these convention plugins or just make them smaller so you can reuse configuration setup for things such as the compile-sdk across modules to avoid manually each individual module.

Here is an example of a hilt convention plugin:

import ext.libs

plugins {

dependencies {
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Now any module that imports this plugin no longer needs to manually specify hilt plugins or hilt dependencies, this convention plugin will do that simply by importing it.

The final build-logic folder should look something like this:

An image showing the build-logic module structure.

Final thoughts

Convention plugins take a small effort up front to put in place, but once your project supports them, they make creating additional modules a breeze and they are easier to maintain if you're a feature developer looking to just add dependencies. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below!

Check out the NowInAndroid project as it includes convention plugins and is a great reference of modern Android best practices.

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