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Josef Albers
Josef Albers

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Zig's Power in Action: C Integration and WASM Compilation for Terrain Generation

Zig's ability to directly interface with C libraries and compile to WebAssembly (WASM) opens doors for diverse applications. This post showcases these capabilities through TerrainZigger, a 3D terrain generator project.

Key Points:

  • Seamless C Interoperability: Zig's @cImport allows effortless importing and utilization of C libraries, enabling developers to tap into a rich ecosystem of existing C code. TerrainZigger demonstrates this by integrating Raylib for rendering.

    const ray = @cImport({ @cInclude("raylib.h"); });
  • Effortless WASM Compilation: Zig's build-exe toolchain facilitates seamless compilation to WASM, making Zig code accessible from JavaScript and readily embeddable in web pages. TerrainZigger exemplifies this by providing a playable demo on

    zig build-exe terrain_zigger.zig -target wasm32-freestanding -O ReleaseSmall -fno-entry --export=generate_terrain_wasm --export=get_terrain_height_wasm && python -m http.server & open http://localhost:8000/
    kill $(lsof -t -i:8000)
  • Performance and Control: Zig's emphasis on low-level control and performance is ideal for computationally demanding tasks such as terrain generation.

    zig build-exe walk.zig -I. -lc $(pkg-config --libs --cflags raylib) -O Debug
    leaks -atExit -- ./walk



Zig's seamless interaction with C libraries and WASM compilation capability enable developers to craft high-performance applications across different platforms, including natively and within web browsers. Whether it's games, simulations, or interactive projects, Zig offers the tools to bring ideas to life.

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