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Anierobi Joshua
Anierobi Joshua

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FRONTEND WEB DEVELOPMENT (comparism on two technologies).

In the field of software development, what is developed is divided into two categories: everything visible to the user and the operations that run in the background. Front-end technology is what we see and interact with when we visit a website or use a mobile app. Back End Technology and DevOps encompass all of the behind-the-scenes activities that distributes data, as well as the speed with which it arrives.
The front end stack is comprised of a variety of languages and libraries. While they differ by application, only a few generic languages are supported by all web browsers.

Comparing two frontend web technologies (CSS and Bootstrap) under the following areas; Definition, Usage, Learning curve, Customization, Speed of development, Flexibility and control, File size and performance, and Community and support.

  1. CSS is a core technology that enables developers to style and layout web pages, providing complete control over presentation elements such as colors, fonts, spacing, and responsiveness.

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Bootstrap, on the other hand, is a CSS-based framework that includes a set of pre-designed components and a grid system to help developers get things done faster.

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  1. CSS is used to design and layout web pages, such as adjusting the font, color, size, and spacing of information, dividing it into numerous columns, and adding animations and other ornamental elements. While Bootstrap is used to create responsive and mobile-first websites using prefabricated CSS and JavaScript components.
  2. CSS is essential in web development, and understanding it is critical for styling online pages. It may be easier to learn from scratch, but mastering it takes time. While Bootstrap has a steeper learning curve for absolute beginners, it does require basic CSS (and, optionally, HTML and JavaScript) to use the framework effectively.
  3. CSS enables complete customization from the ground up, allowing you to develop one-of-a-kind designs without the use of predefined components. While Bootstrap provides considerable modification capabilities via predefined classes and components, such customizations might add complexity.
  4. CSS creates unique designs from scratch, which can take longer than using a framework like Bootstrap. While Bootstrap allows for the rapid construction of layouts and components, it is best suited for projects with tight deadlines.
  5. CSS gives you complete control over the styling of web pages, allowing for detailed and specialized designs without the limits of a framework. While Bootstrap comes with a powerful grid system and adaptable design, its predefined components may limit fine-grained design control.
  6. CSS files are often smaller than a whole framework, resulting in speedier page load times, particularly for simple websites. While the Bootstrap framework (even the full version) can result in bigger file sizes, which may hinder load times for small websites.
  7. CSS has widespread support; unique design solutions necessitate independent research or contact with community forums and documentation. Bootstrap has a strong community and abundant documentation, making it easier to solve problems or learn from pre-existing templates and themes.

The knowledge about frontend web development is best acquired through practice when compared to the theoretical knowledge you have above.
Below are links that can usher you into your dream life of becoming a frontend web developer.
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