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Store Passwords With KeePass

jorin on October 07, 2018

Let me show you why KeePass is more fun than your cloud-based password manager. It's 2018 and passwords are still a pain we haven't figured out. B...
jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

I want to add, you do can sync your passwords if you want. Keepass supports (among others) Dropbox, FTP and WebDAV. I just have an HTTPS encryped WebDAV folder that uses HTTP basic auth (very easy with nginx) and all my passwords are synced between my PC, laptop and phone.
The password file is on my server and I do not have to trust external cloud providers.

shostarsson profile image
Rémi Lavedrine • Edited

I am doing something similar.
As I got Syncthing enabled on my computer and personal NAS, my database is stored on my computers and NAS only. No third party provider.
And KeepassXC is working on Linux, MacOS and Windows10. Which is very important for me. :-)

Maybe another article is about mobile kdbx compatible app.
We add a discussion about it at work. To know which solution is the most secure.
I come by the fact that KeepassTouch on iOS is the most secure as it is open source and you do not need to go through a public cloud to synchronize your database.

art4 profile image

Nice post and it describes exactly my setup. I'm using KeePassXC on Linux and Windows and KeePass2Android on Android.

Also notable features are:

  • support to increase the security of the .kdbx file with a password AND a keyfile as a second factor. Keep this keyfile only on your USB stick or smartphone and on a save place as backup (but never on the sync server).
  • the autotype feature, if the global shortcut is not supported. Autotype will switch the focus to your login form and type the name, tab, password and enter automagically for you.
  • the alternative keyboard of KeePass2Android. Don't let other apps steal your credentials from the clipboard, instead use the custom keyboard with the [username] and [password] buttons for direct input.
ddhogan profile image
Donna Hogan

I love KeePass2! It's also one of the few password managers with a Linux app.

On mobile I've been using KeePassDroid for years, I didn't know there were so many new ones, I'll have to check out the one you mentioned.

taragrg6 profile image

Keepass was once found vulnerable, since then we started using keepass2.

limnaior profile image

Does any of them support migrating data from 1Password?

duffn profile image
Nicholas Duffy
limnaior profile image

Thanks :)

jeroka profile image
Esteban Rocha

Totally agreed, KeepassXC is awesome!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Now these services only have a small issues: You need to pay for it

Lastpass is free unless you want to use their optional premium service

they make you put all your passwords on the servers of a single company with little flexibility in case you don't feel like trusting them anymore.

Lastpass lets you export everything to a CSV.

rolaandoes profile image

I never knew these things about keepass, thanks a lot for this article and recommending these GUI's. I'll have to try this!

tiffengineer profile image

You don't have to use the cloud with 1Password. They still allow you to use your vaults locally...

tiagodenoronha profile image
Tiago de Noronha

LastPass also has a free tier :)