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Jordan Holt
Jordan Holt

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JavaScript variables: Getting started

You can think of variables as containers of information. Variables allow a way of labeling data with a descriptive name. They are not values themselves, but they contain values and represent them with a name.

You can assign different kinds of values to variables, such as strings, arrays and objects.

const color = "blue"
const counter = 10
const names = ["Joe", "Alice", "Frank"]
const engine = {
  size: 600,
  mileage: 1300,
  operating: true,
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Declaring a variable

Variables are declared using one of three keywords in JavaScript var, let and const. Prior to ECMAScript 2015 var was used to declare all variables.

var fruit = "Banana"
const firstNames = ["Joe", "Jessica", "Alice"]
let counter = 0
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Many new programs will only use let and const but var is still out there.

Let's have a closer look at a variable declaration.

let userName = "Joe"
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In the example above, a variable called userName has been declared using the let keyword, it has been assigned a value of Joe.


  • let keyword declares a new variable.
  • userName is the variable name, or identifier.
  • = the assignment operator assigns the value to the variable.
  • Joe is the value that the variable was initialized with.

You can also use destructuring assignment syntax to create a variable and assign value from object literals.

const engine = {
  size: 600,
  mileage: 1300,
  operatingStatus: true,

// creates a variable named size
// assigns size value equal to engine.size
const { size } = engine

console.log(`engine size: ${size}`) // Output: engine size: 600
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Above we unpack the name and value of the engine objects size property.

Now that we've seen how easy it is to get started, let's have a closer look at naming JavaScript variables.

Naming variables

When considering a name, it's important that it is relatively descriptive and easy to read. In contrast to variables in mathematics, variable names in JavaScript programs are usually choosen based on readability and descriptiveness .

Camel casing is also a common convention used in JavaScript programs.

const userSelectedItems = {}
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Variable names are called identifiers. Identifiers are sequences of characters that are used to identify a variable, function or property.

JavaScript identifiers

  • Are case-sensitive
  • Must start with a letter, $ or _
  • Can contain Unicode letters
  • Can contain digits (0-9), but cannot start with a digit
  • Can contain $ and _

These identifiers are all acceptable:

const $one_name = "Jane"
const Status_Number = 5
let _speed10 // _underscore is sometimes used to indicate private vars
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You can also use Unicode letters and Unicode escapes sequences.

let \u0636 = [1, 2, 5];

const exampleChar\u0E16 = "Thai"
console.log(exampleCharถ) // Output: Thai
console.log(\u0636) // Ouput: [1, 2, 5]
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Although the variable names above are allowed, you'll generally try and choose variable names that are descriptive and therefor easy to read. Conventions like camel casing are followed to help readability.

These are good examples ✅

// these are good names
let userName = "Joe"
let userEmail = ""
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Although variable names are case sensitive, don't create multiples that share the same name but have different casing.

This would be considered bad practice 🚫

// don't do this
const exampleFruit = "Orange"
const examplefruit = "Banana"
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Variable names cannot use reserved keywords. Watch out for keywords like new, with, this these are reserved. You'll likely get a SyntaxError if you attempt to use these.

While that was a lot of information about naming variables, the overall goal should be creating variable names that are descriptive and easy to read. If you have a clear reason to steer away from common practice then try and be consistent in your choices.

Variable scope

An important difference between JavaScript and other languages like Java, is that in JavaScript, blocks do not have scope, only functions have a scope. So if a variable is defined using var in a compound statement (for example inside an if control structure), it will be visible to the entire function. However, starting with ECMAScript 2015, let and const declarations allow you to create block-scoped variables. Let's have a closer look at this.

If you declare a variable outside of any function, it is known as a global variable, when you declare a variable inside of a function it is called a local variable. Local variables are available within the function they are declared.

var y // Global variable
function example() {
  var speak = "Hello" // Local variable
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Global variables are properties of the global object. You can see this by opening a browser console and creating a global variable, then access the variable through the window object. The window object is the global object in the browser.

var globalNum = 10
window.globalNum // Output: 10
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Prior to ECMAScript 2015 and the let and const keywords, JavaScript didn't have block statement scope. So a variable declared inside a block is local to the scope that the block is in.

function example() {
  var speak = "Hello"
  if (true) {
    var num = 5
  console.log(num) // Ouput: 5; no block scope
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When using the let or const keywords to declare a variable, it will be block-scoped. That means it is only available in the scope of the containing block.

function example() {
  var speak = "Hello"
  if (true) {
    let num = 5
  console.log(num) // Output: ReferenceError: num is not defined
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let keyword

let keyword allows you to reassign the variable to a different value

let color = "red"
console.log(color) // Output: red
color = "blue"
console.log(color) // Output: blue
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The let keyword declares block level variables. The declared variable is available from the block it's enclosed in as well as sub-blocks.

const myFunction = () => {
  let x = 1
    let x = 2
    console.log(x) // Output: 2
  console.log(x) // Output: 1
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We can also declare a variable without assigning it a value. In this case the variable will be initialized with a value of undefined

let pizza
console.log(pizza) // Output: undefined
pizza = "Cheese"
console.log(pizza) // Output: Cheese
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const keyword

const allows you to declare variables whose values are not meant to change. The variable is available from the block its declared in.

const myBirthday = "1990-11-02"
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A variable declared with the const keyword cannot be reassigned. They are meaned to stay constant and attempting to reassign them will cause a TypeError

const fruit = "Orange"
fruit = "Banana" // Output: TypeError
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You'll see a TypeError like this in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: invalid assignment to const 'fruit'
    fruit = 'Banana';

TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
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const variables must be assigned a value when first declared. If not declared with a value, it will result in a SyntaxError

const animals; // Ouput: SyntaxError
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Wrap up

Wow, that was a lot of information about JavaScript variables. But now you should have a pretty good understanding of JavaScript variables and how to use them. Remember that variables are not values themselves, let and const are block-scoped, watch out for reserved keywords and choose descriptive and easy to read names.

Further reference

var - MDN

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