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jon jones
jon jones

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What is full stack development?

It describes the creation of the web application's front ends (client-side) and back ends (server-side).

Web developers with full-stack capabilities may create finished websites and web applications. They perform tasks related to the front end, back end, database, and website or web application troubleshooting.

Technology related to full stack development:

Front end: The user experience of a website or web application is determined by what users can see. The front-end portion of the web application or website is directly used by the user.
Front-end Languages: The languages that are used to build the front-end are covered here.:
HTML Hypertext Markup HTML is a language.. It is used to develop the front ends of web pages using a markup language. The term "HTML" stands for "Hypertext Markup Language." Hypertext is what determines how web pages are connected. A markup language is used to specify the written information that is contained within the tag that specifies the organization of web pages.
CSS: CSS, also referred to as cascading style sheets is a simply designed language that facilitates the presentation of web pages. With CSS, styles may be applied to web pages. More importantly, CSS enables you to accomplish this without relying on the HTML that each web page is made up of.
JavaScript: The well-known programming language JavaScript is used to make web pages more interesting for users. It is used to enhance a website's functioning so that entertaining games and web-based applications can run well on it.

Front End Frameworks and Libraries:
AngularJS: The JavaScript-based open-source front-end framework AngularJs is commonly used to construct single-page web applications (SPAs). It is a framework that is always evolving and growing and provides better techniques to make internet applications. Dynamic HTML is created by converting static HTML. Anyone is free to use and change it because it is an open-source project. HTML and data are related, and directives expand HTML attributes.
React.js: A declarative, powerful, and flexible JavaScript user interfaces library is React. ReactJS is a free front-end library with component architecture that is solely in charge of the application's view layer. Facebook takes care of it.
Bootstrap: A declarative, powerful, and flexible JavaScript user interfaces library is React. ReactJS is a free front-end library with component architecture that is solely in charge of the application's view layer. Facebook takes care of it.
jQuery: The open-source JavaScript package known as jQuery makes it easier for an HTML/CSS document, or more precisely the Document Object Model (DOM), to interact with JavaScript. To elaborate, jQuery facilitates DOM animations, Ajax interactions, traversal and manipulation of HTML pages, and JavaScript programming for cross-browser use.
SASS: This is the most dependable, advanced, and long-lasting CSS extension language. It is used to quickly add variables, inheritance, and nesting to a website's existing CSS style sheet.
Examples of libraries and frameworks include Semantic-UI, Foundation, Materialize, Backbone.js, Express.js, Ember.js, and more.
Other Important Points:
Utilize the features and shortcuts of text editors like Visual Studio, Atom, Sublime, and others.
Make UI responsible by using a grid framework.
Git is used for version control and team collaboration, along with git operations like init, add, commit, etc.
Other tools include the sass CSS pre-processor, npm and yarn package management, and browser developer tools like Chrome.
Learn how to retrieve data with Axios or other tools by using HTTP, JSON, and GraphQL APIs.
Making the arrangement appear nicer also demands some design expertise.
Back end: It describes the server-side development of a website or web application with a primary focus on the functionality of the website. It is in charge of controlling the database via client-side commands and APIs via queries. The front end, back end, and database are the three essential components of this kind of website.
The back-end component is created using the following frameworks, libraries, and languages:

PHP: The scripting language used on servers The main reason PHP was developed was to create web pages. PHP is referred to as a server-side scripting language since its code is executed on the server.
C++: This is a general-purpose programming language that is frequently employed today for programming competitions. Additionally, backend languages employ it.
Java: One of the most well-liked and often used platforms and programming languages is Java. It can scale up very well. Components for Java are widely accessible.
Python: Python is a programming language that enables quick work and more effective system integration.
JavaScript: Both front-end and back-end programming can be done with Javascript.
Node.js: The open source, cross-platform Node.js runtime environment enables JavaScript code to be executed outside of a browser. Remember that NodeJS is not a framework or a programming language. The majority of folks are perplexed and realize it's a computer language or framework.We regularly use Node.js to build back-end services, such as APIs for web apps or mobile apps. It is utilized during production by sizable firms like Paypal, Uber, Netflix, Walmart, and others.
Back End Frameworks: Back-end frameworks include Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, and many more.
C#, Ruby, REST, GO, and more back-end programming languages are also available.
Other Important Points:
Efficiently organizing the info.
Manage APIs for storing and retrieving data's request-response cycle.
Data security is crucial.
Note: Given that JavaScript is the most widely used technology on the Web, it is necessary for all stacks.
Database: A database is a collection of connected data that organizes the data into tables, views, schemas, reports, etc., and allows for easy data retrieval, insertion, and deletion.
Oracle: The group of data that is handled as a whole is called an Oracle database. This database's function is to save and retrieve data associated with the query. It is an information management database server.
MongoDB: The most well-known NoSQL database, MongoDB, is a free, document-oriented database. Non-relational is what "NoSQL" refers to. It means that MongoDB offers a totally alternative mechanism for the storing and retrieval of data and is not based on the relational database structure that resembles a table.
SQL: The relational database is created, maintained, and retrieved using the standard database language known as Structured Query Language.
Have you considered a career as Full stack web developer? Check out the well-liked full-stack web development course.

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