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Jonathan Yeong
Jonathan Yeong

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Why do you love working with your programming language?

I've recently started learning Elixir, and I love the fact that they include the arity with the method name. For example, in Elixir you would say first/1 where first is the method and 1 is the number of arguments. It's a small thing, but it's so useful when reading through documentation.

How about you? What sparks joy with the programming language you work with?

Top comments (27)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

The Ruby repl that has long shipped with Macs is a real pleasure to use.

Often if I just need to do a thing, I type irb (which stands for Interactive Ruby) into my terminal and then I'm cooking with gas. And by "do a thing", I mean coding to solve a quick problem.

I need to add some numbers together? irb 2332 + 32312 + 3233
I need to count the characters in some text? irb "some text".count
I need to capitalize some text? irb "some text".upcase"

There are a lot of apps which each solve problems that are actually most easily solved with a really basic programming language like Ruby and irb tends to make it simple enough that it's the tool of choice a lot of the time.

jonathanyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

Yesss! Irb ftw. It's so easy to load up something and test a piece of code. I love using it to run test cases on the spot. It gives me a much better and faster feedback loop then trying to go through a web browser. Or wait for tests to pass.

downey profile image
Tim Downey

+1 to this!

If I'm given logs with UNIX Timestamps I'll often toss them into IRB to convert.

=> 2020-06-28 15:25:50 -0700

I don't use Ruby as much anymore, but it's still my go to for things like this! Thanks Ruby. 😊

catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee

I love Javascript! I just love that I can use the same language client and server side. And there are libraries and frameworks for pretty much anything. It's like... am I even a programmer? It makes my life and job easier, but it also makes it so much easier to help people start coding - teaching two languages (one for client, one for server) confuses people a lot.

On top of that, I kinda love the weird parts of Javascript. I love when something doesn't work and I find out it's because Javascript is being weird again. It's like my disappointing child.

dariorlima profile image
Dário Ribeiro

I feel the same! Javascript is amazing! It is being the most crazy adventure with code in my life. Nowadays there aren't any limits for JS. I mean, we can do web apps, mobile apps and desktop apps and also cover ALL sides (frontend and backend) of these apps, with the same language. It is just awesome.

madza profile image

go typescript to get more control of JS ;)

codenameone profile image
Shai Almog

I love Java because the language gets out of my way. It doesn't try to be too "clever" and instead focuses on scale. When you get an error or an exception in Java there's far less head scratching than any other language. I'm a firm believer in small/simple languages and HUGE powerful APIs. Java is pretty much the only mass market language that abides by that.

I used a lot of other languages and when you cross the 20k, 100k lines of code things get difficult... With Java we can have 1M lines of code in the project and you can still hack things within the project. You can still look at a variable, method or class and change something there knowing that encapsulation and determinism is solid.

The tools are at a completely different level than anything else. Even when they're available for other languages e.g. IntelliJ is better for Java than it is for Kotlin despite the fact that Jetbrains created Kotlin.

The language is stable, yes there are new things but code I wrote in the 90s still works "as is" which is amazing. I tried a lot of newer languages such as Kotlin, Python etc. There are things to like in all of them but most of the good innovations have already made their way back to Java syntax. I'm not a fan of a lot of the more extreme ideas in some of these languages that sometimes go against the way computers work under the hood. Java is low level enough to give me full control yet high level enough so I don't trip over when projects scale up.

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder

I can't agree more. For me Java still feels the most mature and stable ecosystem by far. Sometimes I just feel the need to write something small and always open eclipse first, until I realize "maybe java ain't the right language for this". But the need to write java is still there for me.

btw thank you for codenameone :) Loved using it back in the day when I was still developing for mobile!

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

In Kotlin, I deeply, deeply love the REPL and the fact that it has extension functions which let me do complexType.thing() rather than Utils.thing(complexType). The stdlib support for this is very rich and offers a metric ton more, so you can do file.inputStream() or 30.seconds for more succint code.

I've also slowly but surely climbed up the Rust proficiency ladder and come to appreciate it's focus on not hiding the nitty gritties of real world scenarios. For example, you cannot call platform specific methods like chmod/chown without an explicit check to ensure the code only runs on Unix. It's borrow checker based memory management model breeds good practices that I can carry to other languages, and the amazing compiler emits actionable, human friendly error messages, sometimes even the code that should have been in place of the code that isn't compiling.

ozanbolel profile image
Ozan Bolel • Edited

I like JavaScript. I think it has more to do with its ecosystem rather than the language itself. And what I mean by that is, with JavaScript there is no entry barier. It's literally installed in almost every device, and you can send it to someone via a simple URL for them to run it. It is also very popular, so you can recieve so much support. is a great example for that. Therefore, it is very appealing for people new to coding. Even though people need to understand coding is not just about Web or JavaScript, the reason it is a good thing is coding changes lives.

jonathanyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

Totally agree with you! Being able to open up any browsers console and start playing around with Javascript is game changing.

sabz72608404 profile image

I absolutely love 😍 working with dart. It's amazingly graceful. I love that it's also client and server side plus web, desktop and mobile.
And so many other features like the underscore for field accessors etc.
I love working with golang too for some similar reasons.
And all these mixed with some VIM source. ☺

cadams profile image
Chad Adams

I personally love Kotlin and JavaScript just because both have very little to no boilerplate :) If JavaScript had better performance and was multi threaded I would write everything in JavaScript :)

prahladyeri profile image
Prahlad Yeri • Edited

I love Python because of its elegance.
I love PHP because of its practicality.
I love Java because objects and classes.
I love C# because its a much improved Java.
I love Visual Basic because it was the first language I learnt.
I love JavaScript because its like a communist dictator in the browser (and we have no other choice😀).

captaindakkar profile image

There is choice to use other languages in browser now. WebAssembly enables that. E.g. C# can run in the browser now using the Blazor framework which is a port of the .NET mono runtime to WASM.

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

I don't love a particular language, I am proficient in multiple languages.

What I love is that, with effort, I can potentially create something that could be used by the world and in some small way benefit mankind.

vasa1980 profile image

I'm just proficient in Object Pascal (Delphi, Free Pascal), but I've developed some projects in C, Python and JavaScript.

However, I share the same thought :)

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder • Edited

I really like go, just because I can use the result on pretty much all the platforms I need.
Just a GOOS=target;go build file.go and I am done.
No more "does it work on Linux? Do I need to download stuff for Mac or windows?"
It just works.

And concurrency is basically for free, I love it.
The only thing go is really lacking imo is rich client UI stuff

benibela profile image
Benito van der Zander

XPath has the best map and filter syntax.

E.g. if you have a $list of numbers, you can multiple them all by two using $list ! (. * 2)

Or if you only filter the numbers greater than 50, you can write $list[. > 50].

Or together, filter and map: $list[. > 50] ! (. * 2)

It all works without explicitly declaring variables, functions or loops.

darthbob88 profile image
Raymond Price

I mostly do Javascript stuff, and my favorite thing is the ease of getting started.

  • I don't need a compiler or an IDE to create a new project, I just need a browser and a text editor. Worst case, I can do meaningful work to create an app in Notepad.
  • HTML/CSS is a much more pleasant GUI than the Swing I learned in college.
  • As a language, I don't need to worry about public static void Main(string[] args) {... boilerplate, I can just start futzing around with var foo = "stuff"; in my browser's console and see immediate results.
cpustejovsky profile image
Charles Clinton Pustejovsky III

I like that JavaScript if available on my browser with a few keystrokes. It wasn't until I started working with Python that I realized how much I like being able to pop open the console, try out a bite-size piece of logic, and then go implement it.

tothzalan profile image

I love working with Rust because you can write surprisingly fast and memory safe applications in a short amount of time. Dependency management is easy to understand. Furthermore, I find "ownership" an awesome feature.

spiritupbro profile image

actually i dont have preference right now whatever language that works for me wheter its python nodejs or c# i will use it

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