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Discussion on: Create charts in Laravel with eloquent and Larapex Charts

jolexc profile image

Hi Ariel,

Thank you for this Larapex... Really appreciate it.
I would like to try the heatmap. Do you have an example for this type of Chart where I can explore in?


arielmejiadev profile image
Ariel Mejia

Here an online example using Larapex & Tailwindcss and for a specific heatmap: here is the package docs with an example of heatmap and other chart types with blade or VueJS components with inertia:

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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jolexc profile image

Thanks for the quick reply.

I am sorry for the confusion. I mean, do have sample of chart heatmap overlay a map. Like map of US with number of voters per State, Color coded, with % and figures showing when the mouse is scroll per state. Thanks

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arielmejiadev profile image
Ariel Mejia

Sorry I did not do that before, the package works behind the scenes with apexcharts.js, so you would need to check if there is an example with that but as far as I can remember I never saw something like this, sorry.