Im trying to automate login with Rselenium in Rstudio please see below
remote_driver <- rsDriver(browser = "firefox",
geckover = "0.33.0",
verbose = FALSE,
port = 4457L)
# Assign the remote driver object to a variable
driver <- remote_driver[["client"]]
I can easily locate the username and the userID without any error, please see below
reseller_id_input <- driver$findElement(using = 'id', "gwt-debug-Reseller_ID")
# Supply a value to the input field (e.g., "your_reseller_id")
user_id_input <- driver$findElement(using = 'xpath', "//div[contains(text(),'User ID:')]//following::input[1]")
#Supply a value to the input field (e.g., "your_user_id")
The problem is the password part, when i locate the password field and send in password text, it doesnt reflect in the password field and does not show or display any error. see below
#Locate the Password input field
password_field <- driver$findElement(using = "id", value = "gwt-debug-Password")
and without this password i cant proceed to login, is there any logic behind this or what, i really need help with this.
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