DEV Community

John Piers Cilliers
John Piers Cilliers

Posted on

Oh My Zsh + PowerLevel10k.

Just to let you know that I was chuffed to find this really straight forward set of instructions for Oh My Zsh + PowerLevel10k. Done this install many times but it's impossible to remember things like the install line for oh-my-zsh [sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"] and for the PowerLevel10k theme etc.

I'm using Arch Linux and my terminal that I use is Tilix. Before I install Oh-My-Zsh and PowerLevel10k I make sure that all the necessary (and more) fonts are installed, in no particular order and in what repo to find them: community/ttf-fira-code: aur/nerd-fonts-fira-code: aur/ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k: community/powerline-fonts: community/awesome-terminal-fonts: aur/bedstead-fonts-powerline: It's a bit of over-kill but I never have to look for fonts or have something rendering incorrectly or not rendering at all. Thanks again.Piers.

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