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Why I Choose Nextjs For My Blog Project

I had a goal this year to start a blog where I would be writing about college student life or hire some educational experts who would write and make this information accessible to college students.

What inspired me to create my college blog using nextjs is because of Search Engine Optimization. Previously, I had created a blog using react only but when I pushed my blog into production and added some few posts, I realized they weren't being indexed properly even when I had react-helmet.

This led me to look for other options and I settled with Nextjs. Material UI website inspired me because of how snappy it felt and when I used Wappalyzer I saw it was built using Nextjs.

I checked Material UIs github repo and I cloned their repo. I saw how they were optimizing their website with Nextjs. I took some few tips from that combined them with what I had learnt about Nextjs and that is how I ended up with scholarswap

The main advantage of Nextjs over react is on search engine optimization. Nextjs will nail that for you and all your quality posts such as this one will be easily discoverable in google.

Check out my blog and leave some comments whether I nailed it or what I can do to improve on it.

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