DEV Community

Discussion on: Svelte now has an accessible drag and drop library

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Johannes Lichtenberger

Excellent, we have an open Hacktoberfest issue where we envision to be able to drag and drop different views, which represent database views as you like to get more insights into the data.

Layout customization #249

  • Enable resizing the various "sections" in each route,
  • as well as allow drag-and-drop to rearrange the layout. (a section would be, for example, (in the resource route) the bar showing database/resource names, the history timeline, the resource view. (in the query route) the query box, the query result display, the saved/old queries bar).

I imagine this would require

  • using something like svelte-dnd-action to allow rearranging the layout,
  • and using the resize CSS property to allow native element resize.
  • I imagine the resize property would exist on containers that would each containe a single "region" that is draggable.
  • There should be listeners to resize the container region when a large section is moved to a small region (and swap the small section to the other region).
  • There should be listeners to accommodate the resize of a region by resizing other regions.

This would require refactoring the layouts to be compatible with drag and drop.