DEV Community

Johannes Dienst
Johannes Dienst

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Being a Developer Advocate: Week Three

Content strategy was the name of the game this week!

Content is a DevRel topic as it is focused on technical content rather than informal blog posts to drive SEO. But in a startup you have to wear many hats...

Spending your Energy

What you generally want in DevRel is to have the following programs/activities to spend your energy on:

High Impact <-> Low to mid Effort

For example: If you have a high amount of awareness but can not close the deal with your customers because your documentation lacks, look closer. If you can fix the pain points there with a mid effort then go for it.

What We Did

We analysed our Twitter and LinkedIn statistics and found out, that the effort we spend on creating content there is high and the return are too small for it.

So we streamlined our process to not create special visuals for posting blog posts and cut down on markety tweets.

Also we analysed the keywords on our homepage and found some interesting insights going forward.

Listening to Feedback

I also worked through user feedback to identify pain points our customer have. I got some good ideas what content is needed in our documentation to help them.

The most important Question

What is the goal we want to achieve with that activity?

Can not recount how often I asked that in this week ;-)

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