DEV Community

Joel Jucá
Joel Jucá

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Meet entr, the standalone file watcher

I like to write about tools in my toolbelt I love, and entr is one of these preferred tools I enjoy using a lot.

Today I'm talking about entr – the Standalone File Watcher.

What's entr?

entr ("Event Notify Test Runner"; GitHub), is a command-line tool written by Eric Radman that allows running arbitrary commands whenever files change.

It's not tied to any programming language, framework, platform, OS, etc. – it's a real standalone tool, pretty useful in a variety of scenarios.


First, use find to craft a command that lists the files you're working with:

find . -name '*.md'
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Then, just pipe it to entr with a command to be run whenever files change:

find . -name '*.md' | entr echo "Markdown files changed!"
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entr has some very interesting options, like the ability to clear the screen before running the given command (so you get a cleaner output). To get a full list of options, check its man page with:

man entr
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Continuously testing with entr

As you might have guessed, one of the main use cases for entr is to rerun tests whenever files change. I'm an Elixir engineer, and I use entr to run mix test continuously whenever I save an Elixir file.

This is the snippet I use to continuously test my Elixir library SwissSchema while I'm working on it:

find -E lib test -regex '.*exs?$' | entr -c mix test
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A snippet I obviously can't recall from the top of my head every time I need to run it. Luckily, this project has a Makefile with a task for it:
    find -E lib test -regex .*exs?$ | entr -c mix test
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💡 I wrote two articles here on DEV about Makefiles, one covering their overall utility and usage, and another with my Makefile setup for Elixir projects:

That's it. There's not much to learn, entr is really this awesome!

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