DEV Community

DevOps RoadMap

Joe Hobot on October 10, 2018

I read few articles this evening and I stumbled upon a nice github repo that has roadmaps for FrontEnd Dev, BackEnd Dev and DevOps. I would say it...
roylarsen profile image
Roy Larsen

Get along(support) with Devs/Ops/Noc/Qa etc..
Innovate and not being afraid of trying new things as well as make life easier for him/her self and others.

These two things are huge. The tech really isn't that hard to learn. But the soft skills to know how to talk to the people you need to work with is important.

Being able to take something like Python and glue two services together to deliver something useful for your coworkers is awesome.

lkreimann profile image
Lea Reimann 🦄

Being a good communicator is probably one of the best skills for a DevOps Engineer

iilness2 profile image
andre aliaman

Hi, great article at there!
I would like to know more about your opinion regarding

How to code (Pick fav language)
How to manage AWS/GCE/Azure (pick one)
How to troubleshoot network

And then in the ends

Get along(support) with Devs/Ops/Noc/Qa etc..

what the meaning of that statement? Is not that every team(Devs, Noc, QA, etc) already knows what the best and works for them?

Or the meaning of your statement is that Devops should be somebody who supports every IT department? who need to do half ops, half developer, and half Noc? how deep Devops should help in organization?

Or Devops is that just like other words in term of developer type (frontend, Backend, Fullstack)?

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

How to code (Pick fav language)
Some people are more comfortable with Go some with Python some with Java, but say your company is 90% invested in java and to move on from say Dev or Sys Engineer I would suggest to pick java then as you have many resources within company, and then at same time say you pick python because most work tbh in background people do these days is Python or Go.

How to manage AWS/GCE/Azure (pick one)
I left Windows world almost decade now ago, so for me Azure is just another cloud provider just like aws or gce. I am familiar with aws and gce(gke) when it comes to say infrastructure of building kubernetes clusters and other things. I would say pick one and be best at it because switching from say gce to aws or vice versa it's similar just different terminologies . Hope that makes sense?

How to troubleshoot network

I was a Network engineer longer time ago and troubleshooting network issues comes to me as second language so knowing how networking works its a big A+ as some DevOps I met only say know what 'DNS' does but not necessarily how to troubleshoot or fix it.

Getting along with whole IT department is somewhat a requirement because you will at some point or another need to talk to Devs to Noc to QA and others. Like for example today I help Dev to push some code and he/she needs help with CI/CD...(Done). 2hrs later QA says: I can't reach that app that you and Dev pushed, where is it , how do I reach it? ...

Devops can mean a lot, I seen Devs turn into a "devops' a Noc person turn into a DevOps... to me Devops these days is just jack of all trades that understands fundamentals of SDLC and more on infrastructure as well as development level.

Hope that helps.. feel free to ask more :)

mekto85 profile image

Nice article, the only thing missing are the databases (postgres, mysql etc..) because a lot of devopsing is also dealing with the data...

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

I understand the database parts and for most people that I work with know mysql and postgress in a nutshell as well as building it from scratch, however not necessarily do complex tables updates and what not. Good point tho.

lkreimann profile image
Lea Reimann 🦄 • Edited

I think that all your points you'd look for in an candidate would make me think: This a good DevOps Engineer.

I'm not so experienced in this field, but I guess lots of points on the roadmap are more likely to be Ops topics in my opinion.

EDIT: Wouldn't hurt to know as much as possible though :)

billymfl profile image

That all sounds about 100% right, from having worked at a big corporation where almost all of those tools were used.

narankpatel profile image
Naran K Patel

I would have listed Spinnaker instead of Drone, but hey anything mature from CNCF works

nans profile image
Nans Dumortier

Great article. I must admit I didn't really have a clear definition of what a DevOps Engineer does, and your article helped me to understand better their role!

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury

What about someone who's trying to figure out how to become a DevOps engineer?
How would you advise they'd go about that?

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

I bought a homelab and that was the pivotal moment for me. Figuring out how to set up a hypervisor and deploy applications in a somewhat consistent manner...still not quite there yet. It's a lot of playing around with things and just enough reading to understand why you're doing the things you do.

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

There is probably hundreds of posts on r/devops just about that. IMO everyone is different. I seen guys becoming a Jr.DevOps Engineer straight out of college because they knew or know thing or two that comes with it. But then there are some that go from help desk to sys engineer to dev to devops ...

iteducationcentre1 profile image

Thanks for the post. It is extremely useful.
also check DevOps course in Pune

kvlkvsk profile image

Seems that the backend knowledge is prerequisite for DevOps, if I read the diagram right.

sonnuk profile image

Great post!
Become a DevOps Engineer through DevOps Course