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João Textor
João Textor

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Using GitHub Actions to Publish a Node Package Automatically

GitHub Actions have revolutionized the way we automate workflows in our projects. In this guide, we'll explore how to use GitHub Actions to automatically publish your Node package to, simplifying the release process, since the GitHub cats will take care of the job 🐱.

With this setup, you can ensure that your package stays up to date without manual intervention (may be a paw-intervention). Let's get started with the step-by-step process.

Cat working

Table of Contents

1. Publish Your Code GitHub Repository

Before we dive into the automation, make sure your code is hosted on GitHub. If it's not already, create a repository for your Node.js project and push your code to it.

2. Create an NPM Token on

To publish packages to, you need an authentication token. Here's how to create one:

a. Visit
b. Log in to your account.
c. Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner and select "Access Tokens." menu
d. Click the "Generate New Token" button and select "Classic Token".
create token button
e. Provide a Name for your token, such as "GitHub Actions Token."
f. Select the "Automation" permission.
select permissions
g. Click "Generate Token."
h. Keep your generated token secure; you won't be able to see it again.

3. Create a GitHub Secret with Your NPM Token

a. Go to your GitHub repository.
b. Click on the "Settings" tab.
c. In the left sidebar, click on "Secrets and variables" and then "Actions".
github actions
d. Click the "New repository secret" button.
e. Name the secret "NPM_TOKEN".
f. Paste the npm token you generated in the previous step into the "Value" field.
g. Click "Add secret" to save it.

Create an YAML file

We'll now set up a workflow to automate the package publishing process. Start by creating a YAML file in your project's repository under the .github/workflows directory. You can name the file something like npm-publish.yml.

└── .github
    └── workflows
        └── npm-publish.yml
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Configuring the workflow

Now, inside your YAML file, paste the following code.

name: Publish
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: setup node
        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 18.x
          cache: "npm"
          registry-url: ""

      - name: install dependencies
        run: npm ci

      - name: increment version
        run: git config "<YOUR_EMAIL>" && git config "<YOUR_NAME>" && npm version patch

      - name: run tests
        run: npm run lint && npm run test

      - name: build package
        run: npm run build

      - name: publish package
        run: npm set "//" ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }} && npm publish -access public

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Brief explanation of the code

We have set up the workflow to run on every "push" to the repository, and it will run only on the "master" branch.

Next, we have set up the jobs with some standard GitHub actions configuration, setting up the node version and the "registry-url" from

The workflow continues by installing dependencies, incrementing your package version (See details below), running the tests, building the package from our source code and finally publishing the package to


  1. Important: To ensure this workflow functions properly, you MUST have setup your package.json file before accordingly to this post: Building and Publishing Your TypeScript Code as a NPM Package.

  2. Make sure you replace <YOUR_EMAIL> and <YOUR_NAME> with your email and name, respectively, since the command npm version patch will need to change your package.json file inside your repository.

  3. You can replace npm version <patch> with any other <property> as stated on npm's official documentation; this is up to you.

Wrapping up

So, in this post we saw how you can automate the workflow of building and publishing a package to using GitHub Actions.

Next week I'll explore more this amazing feature from GitHub and use it to deploy a website to a shared hosting service (such as Hostinger, HostGator and so on...).

I was supposed to publish this article next Tuesday, but as I'm new to I decided to play a little with the posting dates/hours.

Hope you all enjoyed reading this and learnt something new 😄

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