Hello Human ππ»
So do you want to contribute to open source? Awesome.
Does it sounds overwhelming? That's also normal.
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Great article, also thank you for moving away the spotlight from technical stuff.
A blocker I'm noticing on developers at their first approach to Open Source is that they don't "feel ready", often overwhelmed by large repositories.
Creating an issue first on what you'd like to do is an amazing suggestion as like you said it can creates the bond between contributor and maintainers... and they can give you some advice!
Well said, I completely agree.
They don't realize how valuable it is to just say "hey I just tried your software for 20 minutes and here is what I struggle with"
I'm really impressed. 'Why' and 'Empathy'...
That makes me think around back myself. Thanks for the article, bro.
You are welcome!
To be honest reading is not enough though. Maybe I'm just saying nonsense. Maybe it only applies to me.
The only way to know is to try something out yourself.
Thanks, I wanted to write about tests but I forgot.
LOL, pretty much the typical PR...
Yep, this is why you can do it the other way around. You submit just the test case to help the maintainer see what you have in mind, but not one bit of the implementation. That would be waste at that point. Wait for the feedback on the design and only after that work on the implementation.
It's my first Hacktober and I'm really excited! If it's someone's first time too, let's talk and help each other! And thanks for the article, it helped me a lot!
Great to hear.
Already found a project?
Which tactic do you want to try first?
Hello Jean Michel Fayard,
thank you for your article.
I love how you help beginners with this article.
In my opinion, empathy is a soft skill and is greatly underestimated in technology.
I would add that patience is also important when communicating with people in tech.
The existence of a culture of error tolerance is essential.
I agree with everything except the term "soft skill".
What does it mean "soft" skill?
If it means skill for "soft"ware developers can benefit from, hell yes.
If it means it's easier than learning C/C++, hell no.
In fact I know many people can become good at programming in 3 years but good at whose women skills in 3 decades.
Maybe we can simply say that those are valuable skills to have in your toolbox?
"What does it mean "soft" skill?"
Thanks for the question.
I found a suitable and easy to understand explanation on Wikipedia:
"Soft skills, also known as power skills, common skills or core skills, are skills applicable to all professions.These include critical thinking, problem solving, public speaking, professional writing, teamwork, digital literacy, leadership, professional attitude, work ethic, career management and intercultural fluency. This is in contrast to hard skills, which are specific to individual professions."
In short, this part of your comment I think sums it up best:
"If it means skill for "soft"ware developers can benefit from, hell yes."
The list is right.
I was thinking about the arbitrary name ("soft skills") that some consultants in human resources in English speaking countries decided to use.
Let see an other arbitrary name.
That means something like knowing how to exist in the world.
Holy shit that seems not so soft anymore.
What do the italians say?
Ah yes I can see why being competent socially can help you when you interact with strangers on GitHub.
And I'm not very surprised that Italians see this as important.
What about English?
Well there are alternative names in your definition
Power skill does seem more powerful to me!
So you could choose a different word here and say that knowing the internals of C++ is a specific skill (instead of hard) that is useful to much less people.
Isn't it interesting that if you choose different words you are less surprised that empathy, listening, communication etc... are actually very important?
"Isn't it interesting that if you choose different words you are less surprised that empathy, listening, communication etc... are actually very important?"
I agree that using different wording can have different effects. Your first comment is a good example imo.
And I also agree that regardless of the naming (soft skill or power skill), the importance of the topic should be eminently present.
Thanks for your article, it was quite an interesting read for me as a beginner :D
I will definitely apply some of your stated advices, especially the ones about asking maintainers before opening PRs and providing maintainer information about what my perspective on the project is.
Additionally, I have found some typos and grammatical mistakes in your article, so I thought I would list them for you here (only a suggestion, don't want to make you look bad):
β "I would have ..."
β "... did we learn?"
β "... possibly controversial, ..."
β "... and/or lazygit." (missing dot)
β "... where you seem to ..."
β "... user that wants to ..." & "... time to evaluate it." (missing dot)
β "open an issue ..."
β I don't quite know what you initially wanted to phrase in this sentence.
Hello thanks but I let some errors on purpose. Perfectionism is a poison
Well, regarding programming for sure but apart from that, I guess it lies in the eye of the beholder π