DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you limit or avoid procrastination?

jjmu15 profile image
Jamie Murphy

I find working from the same location all the time leads to less productivity and focus. I try to mix up my time from a regular co-working space, a couple of coffee shops and random days working from home to keep my focus and productivity high.

Also investing in a decent pair of noise cancelling headphones is a good send. Even using them without music can lead to a deep state of focus. I'd recommend the Sony wh-1000xm3.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

This is a good call

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

In my case I prefer to have my place to study. Not changing it. Just keeping it simple, comfortable. Gives me a sense of security. Because if I change the location I lose so much time putting stuff in the right way and setting all things up.

Those headphones is a good a one!