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What kind of health issues do a software engineer face?

Health is combination of physical and mental state:

Software engineers Life In general:

Project specific timings, so if you are not working in regular shift you are not sleeping on time.

Entire life gets affected with your sleep cycle.

Waking up late? you are already hungry, so can not work out much.

waking up late makes you skip breakfast, but breakfast is very important in our daily routine. It supplies more oxygen to the brain.

This reflects in poor decision making, which in turn reflects in your task prioritizing.

Some people hardly sleep for 4 hours which causes Alzheimer decease.

This could affect the hormones and results in hair fall, weight gain and fluctuating blood pressures.

Some people tend to smoke a lot to avoid all these tensions, and get addicted to this in no time with out their knowledge, which is direct and indirect healthy hazard. Alcoholism too is a side effect of this profession. I have personally seen many cases where people lost their lives and body parts due to drink and drive cases.

Project deadlines, traffic pollution, long hour drives, sitting for long time in wrong postures with out knowledge will result in sciatica, back bone damage and result in sever back pain which might need surgery or even end up getting physically weak.

Eating junk and eating out side frequently is part of your life? Please see how and when those KFC and McD foods are prepared and shipped.

Restaurants end up cooking food in lot of salt and oils to make it taste better. Which will increase BP & cholesterol. You might think you are lean or feeling healthy but cholesterol doesn’t just mean being obese. Your blood veins could have got clotted already but you don’t feel it until you get your blood tests done.

I am a victim of some of the above mentioned problems too, but i make sure i have time to meditate, walk in sun, take stairs when ever possible, avoid social media and regular prayers to over come them.

I have seen people working 12–14 hours for the company, when the same person is sick, is running out of sick leaves HR will call him back to check if he is going to join back or not? Not even those colleagues who take his help completing their work check on his health condition, then the only people to support are family members, who he never spared few hours in those many years come to his rescue.

Our health and happiness is more important than anything else, so to all those who read this my request is : Set your priorities right.

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