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Linux, I Choose You! 🐧

Jimmy McBride on September 25, 2024

First off, I’m not here to tell you what to do or shame anyone for making different choices. What works for me might not work for you, and that’s t...
eshimischi profile image
eshimischi • Edited

Was into Linux a lot at the beginning of 2000s, made my own distro from scratch, but usability and user-friendliness were quite low that time, so of course you need to be a pro to use any Unix system. Don’t appreciate Windows at all, now is only MacOS.

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Linux has come a long, long way since then :)

eshimischi profile image

Well, obviously. It’s a proper tool for servers.

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

For sure, specifically in the desktop experience though. Printers, speakers, microphones, gaming and much more are incredibly strong in the desktop world now. :)

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vinod_kumar_d85d2b7754ce2 profile image
Vinod Kumar

Which Linux version are you referring here? I will also replace my Windows by it

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

I'm speaking about Linux for desktop generally. I recommend people try out Manjaro if their just starting out! :) Try it in a VM first to familiarize yourself with the process and watch plenty of videos. :)

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dev_michael profile image
Michael Amachree

I would also recommend Zorin OS (which is based on Ubuntu) to anyone migrating from Windows. It can even be customized to look like MacOS. It's what I use btw.

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Dang, Zorin has it all! Very cool looking distro. All things included :) Looks beautiful too!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β˜•

Good choice ❀️

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Ty ty πŸ™πŸ§

scottsawyer_94 profile image
Scott Sawyer

I started out coding on Windows with NotePad++ in the early 2000s. I used to hack the registry to squeeze every bit of performance i could. But got sick of the crashing, rebooting, licensing, and general headaches.

I bought a Linux magazine with a dvd containing 99 distros(!!), and was hooked. I must have tried them all.

Eventually, i settled on Ubuntu, LTS releases. Everything just worked, and so much software was available. I am not a gamer, i just need a super stable and secure machine. Finally Nvidia drivers got better and better.

Instead of buying a machine every 24-36 months, i use custom builds and get 6-8 years of joy. Instead of rebooting every night, i reboot every 6-10 weeks. And native Docker is icing on the cake.

Glad there are other happy Linux desktop users out there. Be sure to support your favorite software vendors when they make their software available for Linux. If the software is free, sponsor them, it's way cheaper than an Adobe subscription. If they charge, pay them, they deserve it.

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Yes!!! Exactly πŸ’―

drazenbebic profile image
Drazen Bebic

One thing that's still left on my TODO list as a developer is Arch Linux. I heard a lot of good things about it and my colleague says that the best part about it is that, while installing the OS, you really learn how it works. Think I'm going to try in a VM first, don't wanna mess up my Windows/Ubuntu dual boot setup just yet :D

So, if you know how to install Arch: a tutorial would be very welcome :D

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Funny you should ask! ;)

drazenbebic profile image
Drazen Bebic

Oh wow, seems like you have an article for everything! πŸ‘

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Shtap it! ;p I try and do one article a day. I've play a lot with Arch in the past (Manjaro main while testing and learning Arch and tiling managers). But I recently swapped and went all in and homies in my discord where like, "You should make some content about it" to which I responded "everyone and their mom has made a Arch Install guide" and they made some good counter points, and it got me thinking. Arch Wiki is the best guide. Following a YouTube vid to learn arch install is slow and kinda sucks, the offical written guide is way better. But some things are unclear, or you have to dive through some links and read to figure out what the right command for you are. other things are concepts someone brand new will have trouble understanding, so I can offer my perspective and knowledge to help explain things like partitions and all that. So it's basically a guide through the wiki with me exlpaining stuff along the way.

It's also a future resource for me. Instead of going to the arch wiki directly I can go to this article and follow the step-by-step guide with all the commands right there to copy.

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

So true which is you wrote about Ownership and Freedom! I like this arguing.

My experience of linux a bit diffrent. My home computer is my favorite MacBook Pro M1 with touch bar - which I don't understand why no popular. - but that is another topic. So I am a bit familiar with unix like commands.

In my works - windows laptop - a last year we have a option: work on VDI windows or VDI linux. So with my MacOS experience and on windows always use gitbash as terminal so I think maybe the linux is good enough for work.

And this is a 100% true. Fare better than windows, even througth VDI the intercation is slower than usual, but with a right workspaces setup this problem is eliminated.

The best of linux is the terminal where you can work much more efficent vs graphic interface heavy application. I was set the history to 100.000 to do not forget which I used, and that why:

alias h="history | rg"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

give a h zip for example show how zip cli parameters are works. ( rg -> rip grep )

the other secret weapon is zoxide to hyperjump to a right folder.

Bonus: much cleaner work with docker and cloud system, where the easiest option is select a right linux distro for build.

kurealnum profile image

As a fellow Linux user, I fully agree with everything you said. It's nice having full ownership of your machine. What distro are you running?

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Thanks! I started off with Manjaro w/ Gnome for a very long time, did some playing around with many others, but now I'm just running vanilla Arch with Hyprland like a filthy meta slave. Haha

kurealnum profile image

Lol that's understandable. I started with Ubuntu using Gnome a year ish ago, but now I'm using Arch with i3.

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

I have a friend who loves i3. He's a total Linux chad and I learned a lot from him! :)

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

What about you? What's your main distro of choice?

kurealnum profile image

Arch Linux as well!

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride


brianmasinick profile image
Brian Masinick

For me, I have almost an entire career of familiarity with the combination of UNIX and Linux systems. My first UNIX system that I regularly used dates back to 1982; I heard about Linux on newsgroups as far back as the 1992-1993 timeframe, though I didn't get my hands on one to experiment with on my personal time until the Fall of 1995. Ever since then, Linux has been my favorite system for personal use.
Not long before my retirement in 2018 I had at least two opportunities to use a combination of UNIX and Linux systems on the job too and that was enjoyable, since it's what I've used myself for almost thirty years.
I customize a few scripts and my own login shell (I generally use bash; definitely prefer the sh family of shells and I make my shells easy to modify in case I happen to change shells).

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Wow! That's awesome man! I love it when I get the chance to talk to Linux guys who've been a part of it for so long! I worked with lead dev a long time ago that had been a Linux main for a very long time as well. We had such great conversations!

brianmasinick profile image
Brian Masinick

I don't know if any of you are familiar with a guy named Jon "maddog" Hall. Jon has worked as a teacher, marketing professional, book writer and Linux advocate; he brought Linux Torvalds to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in the late nineties and arranged to get Torvalds a DEC Alphastation so that Linux could be ported to the Alpha computer line.

Jon and I often met at a break nook that had a vending machine, coffee and microwave, where we'd often pop some popcorn and chat about UNIX and Linux.

We also met socially a few times at a nearby seafood restaurant, which also happened to be the place that I privately invited a few friends (Jon included) when I left DEC.

The last time I saw Jon write, he had a column called Maddog's Doghouse in the Linux Magazine. I haven't picked up a copy of that mag in a while, but the article I read was entitled "Early Days of Linux". Several of the things Jon mentioned in the article were similar to many of the conversations between the two of us so I read it with interest, bringing back many positive memories.

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Wow! That's really cool! Community is so great. I love it when stuff comes full circle like that. What a history!

josemunoz profile image
JosΓ© MuΓ±oz

I've been using Linux since 2009, around that time I got one of the free Ubuntu CDs and I have not used a windows PC willingly since then. While I am in the Apple eco-system I have replicated most of the "ecosystem" features on my linux desktop, all of them work just as good sans some quality-of-life integrations that are not deal breakers for me. I encourage almost everyone to at least give it a try

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Linux does have some pretty good Mac clone features available now! And the desktops workspaces work better! :)

abdulmuminyqn profile image
Abdulmumin yaqeen

Linux sure give you soo much freedom which can be overwhelming at first, but then you take it all in slowly, there and there you eventually get comfortable with it.

Then you reach a point where distros don't even matter anymore πŸ˜….

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Yup! The are minor differences, but the biggest ones are rolling/fixed release (HUGE fan of rolling releases for desktop), and what you call the package manager. Some a little more up-to-date than others. I prefer the more up-to-date side, but that's not for everyone. But yeah, they are all incredibly similar haha

robertomaurizzi profile image
Roberto Maurizzi

After you set it up (and that might take a lot of effort if you have strange hardware like me, a ZenBook Duo Pro) it works and it's stable.
I've used first Mac and then Windows for the past few years and the experience was quite horrible (especially on Windows).

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Nice! I'm a big desktop guy. Having a little beater laptop is nice, but I love sitting down at a desk dedicated to my computer and development environment. Plus I like to play around with things like Godot and Blender. It's really nice to have 3 big screens, and a home office space to just get work done. :)

alptekin profile image
alptekin I.

I really like Linux. Though, I am using Macos (MBP) for personal stuff. But for the reasons you mentioned, linux has a special place.
What hardware (pc) do you use?
I used ubuntu distro for a while. When I was using Linux, I had dual booted from a windows machine and probably didn't make the best decisions in swap and os storage (then eventually I had to increase the Linux partition sizes)...
Plus I had much to learn and study (was learning SW development, at nights, sleeping very little, hustling all the time), and therefore I could not spare my time on this...
and it is similar with NeoVim nowadays. I returned back to VS code after using Lazy config... Since you mentioned it, had to tell, it is a really fantastic tool really, but being skilled in it (not the key bindings, it is ok, I am using vim on VSCode, but the configuration and other deep stuff, like Lua, modules etc.) requires time and dedication..

Well, Who knows maybe in the future I can switch to linux and neovim again...
Anyway... It was nice reading this post. Thanks

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

It's a process! My full swap to Linux took time. Duel booting, making lots of mistakes, but not giving up. I would go back and forth between VS Code and Neovim, learning when I could.

Just keep coming back when you feel motivated too and over time things will all start to fall in place. It's a journey, not a sprint. :)

mannuelf profile image
Mannuel • Edited

I just Upgraded to Ubuntu 24.04 I like it very much on this Lenovo legion.

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Very cool! Ubuntu is a solid distribution!

Very cool article as well! If I ever need to replace my keyboard this going to be my go to! :)

mannuelf profile image
Mannuel • Edited

it is a very satisfying feeling when a D.I.Y project goes to plan 😁

gammer0909 profile image

Dual booting for me, Windows and Linux :)
(Linux can’t play a lot of my favorite games, yet)

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Which one's? I don't play games as much as I used to, but gaming support for Linux is through the roof now

gammer0909 profile image

Honestly, it might be really soon where it’s time to retire β€œwindows for gaming, Linux for productivity,” due to Proton and WINE, it’s less feasible to Dual boot like I am, ngl. Honestly? My attention span is so bad that if all I have to do to switch to a game from VS Code is close it and open steam, I’ll get no coding done….
(To fully answer your question, Minecraft Bedrock, and probably some Niche indie games that don’t have Linux support already)

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Minecraft is available on Linux :) but I feel you! Keeping games and productivity separate is nice with duel boot! I found myself hanging out on windows for far too long haha I just don't game anymore haha. Solves the whole issue for me XD

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

I've been using Arch for quite some time now. I distro-hopped a lot but finally settled on it. Arch with Gnome, with no animations, feels heavenly. 🫠

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

I went from Manjaro-Gnome to Arch-Hyprland. Did Qtile for a while, but moved to Hyprland and love it. Def have animations with Hyprland. Everything still seems snappy to me though! :) Def can't do animations in Mac, they seems so cumbersome. Thanks for sharing!

jeffstahlin profile image

I started with Ubuntu with Gnome probably about 10 yrs ago, maybe a bit less, because I always encountered issues with web development tools on Windows and then eventually also on MacOS. All the web apps I worked on got deployed to Linux servers so it felt right to have the same OS to work on and have never looked back. Moved to Manjaro for a while until major updates started causing problems and then switched to EndeavourOS (also Arch based) with i3 for about 3-4 and never have any issues, no crashes, most games I want to play also work well pretty much out the box. Am about to set up my new PC with EndeavourOS again but will also go with Hyprland as the WM, it looks amazing.

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

I love Hyprland! It's my main now :) So beautiful

psydvl profile image
Dmitriy P

I don't know why, but I fall in love in header image... Is there larger version somewhere?

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride
mksbtech profile image
Milan Sonkar

On Ubuntu from last 16 years and never looked back

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride


martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

I also like Tux. Tux is great.

erickrodrcodes profile image
Erick Rodriguez


Not today bro

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Interesting to see how this plays out!

vemahendran profile image
Venkatesan Mahendran

I use Mac but I love Linux.

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

I know a lot of people that turn their Linux OS into a mac clone :)

sadakatu_tanzil_243531521 profile image
Sadakatu Tanzil

Made the switch recently and I don't miss much. All my favorite games are supported by Valve's Proton Layer.

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Proton is so awesome! :)

ashar_479db3c9e58e profile image
asep haryono • Edited

If Linux is utilised as a daily driver or Desktop Version, I only have one question: How do I install ms. Office in Linux?
I installed it via Wine, and it was successful, but when I opened it, that application couldn't save to a document. That is just the reason why I came back to use the Windows OS.

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

I would recommend switching to Libre Office :)