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Discussion on: Convince me that Web3 is the worst

jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins

Web2.0 was a new way for applications on the web to work, namely AJAX.

This! I've heard a lot of web3 advocates say things like "web2 was all about centralization!", but honestly all I remember about that era was the transition to rounded corners and AJAX. πŸ˜‚

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Honestly, the branding of "Web3" is kind of a co-opting of language which could be applied to any number of trends.

If I'm remembering correctly, Web2 was the labeling of something that was clearly happening and didn't need the massive hype. Beyond the misaligned incentives for creating hype, in general the clever adoption of this term is one of the weirdest things.

Early 2000s: The web is starting to be used for so much more than just static web pages, let's normalize a word to describe this trend.

Early 2020s: Let's create a word to help bring hype to a trend which may or may not happen.

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

Don't forgot box-shadows. That was an important milestone.

shadid12 profile image
Shadid Haque

Rounded corners πŸ‘

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mfurmaniuk profile image
Michael • Edited

I just forgive that Web 1.0 gave us Blink.