DEV Community

Discussion on: And these debts will be paid with interest

jfrankcarr profile image
Frank Carr

One of the biggest problems I've seen with having to do hacks is management insistence that they be done regardless of the long term technical debt. This is especially true if the management involved are not software people (marketing/sales, mechanical engineers, accountants, etc...). They just want it done, NOW, and don't care what the long term consequences are. If you are foolish enough to try to convince them that not hacking something on the fly is the best solution, expect to be told you "aren't a team player" and, perhaps, getting put on a "performance improvement plan" to improve your attitude (ie so they can build an excuse with a paper trail to fire you for cause).

elvispt profile image
Elvis Pestana

On some companies that is true. The company culture, when it comes to situations like this, is very important. Hacking away at a code base is a short term job.