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Shakespeare Insults - The add-on you didn't know that you wanted.

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Keeping your online etiquette can be extremely hard sometimes, and that's why Shakespeare was created. Shakespeare is a browser add-on that spontaneously produces classical English insults, that aren't too rude or NSFW, and to be honest, quite funny.
Didn't get what I meant? Here are some examples.

dissembling dread-bolted bugbear

gleeking fly-bitten pigeon-egg

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Now all of a sudden, you can literally curse at someone the way Shakespeare does. Colleague deployed a change into production instead of development? No problem, cuz Shakespeare's got you covered.

In all seriousness, this is my first extension and I'm happy on how it came out. Here's the link to its repository - The add-on has only been published to the Mozilla Marketplace, and it's at It's only a few kilobytes, so if you have the time, please do check it out.
The languages used are HTML, CSS, and JS.

If you liked the extension, please do star it on Github, thank you!

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