DEV Community

Jessica Temporal
Jessica Temporal

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Introducing GitFichas!

I started a new project, and I want to tell you all about it! 👀

For some time now I’ve been helping anyone who needs help with Git. From what I’ve seen, most people use git commands on a daily basis without necessarily understanding them…

This is not a problem, especially if you are starting your journey with versioning, however, not understanding the commands can get you into trouble with Git (conflicts, I’m looking at you). And as much as Git helps us in the development process to track changes, conflicts and detached heads are annoying things to solve, especially if you don’t understand what you need to do, right?

In order to improve the lives of those who use Git, I started GitFichas. GitFichas is nothing more than a site that aggregates Git study cards, in its original form, it was intend as a friendly resource in Portuguese, and now it officially has its version in English. Each card is made to be the simplest possible way so anyone can understand each command or concept.

GitFicha explaining how to interactively with command git add -p

GitFicha number 008 talking about git add -p

The cards are images that explain commands or concepts that I use daily in Git. They even bring little-known or used tips, that when properly applied, they can really come in handy.

Every week a new card is released on Wednesday.

I post the cards on my profile on Twitter and LinkedIn, but you can enjoy and follow GitFichas on Instagram or subscribe to the GitFichas’ channel on Telegram.

And if you want to suggest a command or concept you’d like to see in the form of a card reply to this tweet below, and even though the tweet is in Portuguese is in Portuguese, don’t be shy and say hi. 👇

Perguntando pro meu TCC: Que comando #git você tem dificuldade mesmo rodando ele com frequência?

— Jessica Temporal (@jesstemporal) July 27, 2021

I’m saving the commands and questions that are sent to me in a queue to make new cards as soon as possible. 😉

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