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Project 2 Week 11 Blog

Homework week 11 blog post:

Link for today's code check in:

How did you start?

  • We started project 2 by devising a timeline to complete our project. We wanted to have certain aspects of the webpage (Heading, search, badges, etc.) done at different week check points. For this week we are attempting to set up our badge like it is displayed on the webpage.

What did you decide to attack first?

  • We started with the formatting for the webpage. We added a heading and search bar first since we were the most comfortable with those two aspects.

What issues have you had?

  • We have had issues setting up the badges since we do not have much experience with it.

What concepts translated from Project 1's card?

  • Definitely the creation of a "card". We have been treating the webpage as if it is a card.

What's your next priority?

  • Our next priority is finishing up the badges and attempting the backend portion of the project. Also working out some design issues.

What problems are you unsure of how to solve?

  • The creation of a badge and how to format it to look like the sample one. Also, setting up the frontend and backend portion.

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