DEV Community

Discussion on: War of the Git Flows

jessekphillips profile image
Jesse Phillips

In my view the differences are miniscule, and the importance is communication.

This basically leads to only one type of flow.

  • branch off a branch
  • take update via rebase
  • merge request to incorporate changes

The specifics about release and patching comes from a need to update a specific commit. That specific commit can be tracked in many ways.

scottshipp profile image

I don't think I'm following: "the differences are miniscule" but when "the importance is communication" it "leads to only one type of flow." The flow you suggest is completely different from several of the listed flows, so they don't seem to be "miniscule" differences and it seems like teams have settled on completely alternate approaches in their attempt to communicate. Help me understand what I'm missing.

jessekphillips profile image
Jesse Phillips

(sorry more ramblings) If you don't rebase your working/feature branch, you don't care about communication (or your development is much more organized then mine).

If you stand up long standing branches, you must have large contribution teams with frequent support for your various releases, otherwise you're solving for a problem you don't have.

In the article it states that git flow doesn't use rebase, if you do no buddy will know. This thought that you can force someone to not do rebase is rediculous, but you can clearly enforce needing to rebase.

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jessekphillips profile image
Jesse Phillips

I was once on the camp that it didn't matter, rebase or merge, git will figure it out and combine changes. But I ended up in quality assurance and being able to clearly define what is change and why for each line of code is critical to a good review and understanding.

I take shortcuts, but if quality really is important, better orginizing or even eliminating the last 25 commits is worth it.