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Jerom Fernando
Jerom Fernando

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How Can You Improve Website Performance Using PHP Caching?

Boost Website Speed with PHP Opcode Caching.

PHP opcode caching improves speed by storing compiled PHP code in memory. This eliminates the need for PHP to recompile the code each time it is requested. The code runs precompiled. This saves server resources. Before using opcode caching on a client's site, the site was slow. It took seconds to load each page. After implementing opcode caching, it also speeds up page loads. After enabling opcode caching, pages loaded much faster. The improvement was clear. Users noticed a difference as well.

You can use opcode caching with tools like OPcache. OPCache is built into PHP 8. To enable it, you need to turn on opcode caching in your PHP configuration. I've seen major improvements by doing this. In one case, a complex e-commerce site experienced a drop in load time by an amount. This improvement made customers happier and reduced server load. Opcode caching works best for dynamic websites. If speed is a priority for you, consider using this caching method. It's an easy way to improve performance.

Using Data Caching for Faster Web Performance

Data is stored in memory through caching. PHP retrieves data from the cache rather than reprocessing it. This results in time savings. You can use data caching with tools like Redis or Memcached. I used this technique on a project with large databases. Before implementing caching, each query took a significant amount of time. The website experienced slowdowns under heavy traffic. After adding caching to the system, it became capable of handling more users. The data loading process became faster and smoother. Data caching is effective for content that seldom changes.

On an e-commerce site, I cached product listings. I cached product listings on an e-commerce site. PHP retrieved the cache instead of repeatedly querying the database. The database load is reduced. Pages still load quickly with hundreds of users. Don't forget to clear the cache. However, do this afterwards. Old data may be displayed to users. If the cache is not cleared, this data will remain. Data caching can make a significant improvement in performance. Or This is important for large sites. It is also important for high-traffic sites.

This GTA5 website is developed using html/php, let me know any issues are there to grow up myself.

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