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Jenuel Oras Ganawed
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

Posted on

Don't use `innerHTML`

innertHTML is a good function. But if you wrote a code in a wrong way, or if you misused this code, it can be used to infiltrate your web app.

In this article I explained why it can be bad if misused with code samples. If you like to read the article HERE

The alternative with this one is using setHTML(<value>) function. The downside with this one is that, its still in its experimental state so other browsers might not support this function.

Top comments (3)

nlxdodge profile image

For the setHTML(<value>) you can check Can I use this will show total browser support.

There is chrome support, but no Firefox, Safari, and lots of smaller browsers.
Instead maybe a JavaScript package could be used for now.

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo) • Edited


innerHTML usually can be very safe as long as it's not dealing with content that users can manipulate. For example, any content that resides inside your code should be safe. As mentioned, setHTML still doesn't have a great support. But there are great options.

For example, if you don't need to inject or get any HTML you could use the innerText property, so if you try to inject a tag it will place instead a plain text.

If you actually need to inject HTML that could contain user added data, for example, from an input, there are great libraries to sanitize that content such as DOMPurify.

More on all this:

Also, you should consider creating longer posts with more content because this might go against the Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use, read section 11. However, one great option that DEV provides is that whenever you create a post, you can provide a link to where you originally published it:

DEV Post interface to provide Canonical URL

Hope all of this helps you! And by the way, thanks for sharing the setHTML property, I didn't know about this, if it ever got a great browser support it will be very useful.

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo • Edited

I think u can also use appendChild() instead of innerHTML in plain JS

here is a snippet from one of my apps but u will need to play around with it for ur own use
<div class="chart" id="navContainer" style='width: 500px; height: 500px;'>
var original_div = document.getElementById('navContainer');
    //old way was.. var original_div = document.getElementById('navContainer').innerHTML;
      // create a div object on the fly called new_div (will only work inside javascript)
var new_div = document.createElement('div');
      //give it some body plus attributes = "500px"; = "500px"; //needs height attribute
new_div.setAttribute("id", "navContainer"); //adding id and class
new_div.setAttribute("class", "chart"); //set attribute
      // and give it some content
var newContent = document.createTextNode("Hi there and greetings!");
      // add the text node to the newly created div

      //finally append newly created div to original div