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Jenil Gajjar
Jenil Gajjar

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My Hacktoberfest 2023 Journey: From Contributor to Maintainer


Hello, community! I'm Jenil Gajjar, and I'm excited to share my journey through Hacktoberfest 2023 with you. This was my second Hacktoberfest, and it was an incredible learning experience.

My GitHub Link:

Highs and Lows

Accomplishments and Light-Bulb Moments

During Hacktoberfest 2023, I had some amazing highs and light-bulb moments. Contributing to open source projects was always a goal, and this event gave me the perfect opportunity. Here are some of my key accomplishments:

  1. Four Successful Pull Requests: I'm thrilled that all of my four pull requests were not only accepted but merged into their respective repositories. It was a fantastic feeling to see my contributions become a part of open source projects.

  2. Becoming a Maintainer: Perhaps the highlight of my Hacktoberfest journey was becoming a maintainer of a repository. This responsibility challenged me, but it was a valuable experience that allowed me to give back to the open source community. (repo link:

Overcoming Challenges

Like any journey, there were challenges along the way.

  1. Code Contribution: I took on the challenge of solving problems from platforms like LeetCode and Hackerrank. Competitive programming offered me a unique set of challenges such as Algorithmic Problem Solving, Code Speeding, Learning New Algorithms.

  2. Maintainer Responsibilities: As a maintainer, I had to review and merge other contributors' pull requests. This required effective communication and decision-making skills, but I eventually got the hang of it.


Through this event, my skills and knowledge have improved significantly:

  1. Collaboration: Working with other developers and maintaining a repository improved my collaboration skills and my ability to provide constructive feedback.

  2. Open Source Contribution: Hacktoberfest expanded my horizons, and I've become more active in the open source community. It's not just about code but also about helping others and learning together.

  3. Career Goals: My experience in Hacktoberfest has influenced my career goals. I now have a deeper interest in open source development and plan to continue contributing to open source projects.

In conclusion, Hacktoberfest 2023 has been a transformative journey for me. It's not just about winning prizes or badges; it's about personal growth, learning, and contributing to the community. I encourage everyone to participate in events like Hacktoberfest and experience the magic of open source.

Thank you, Hacktoberfest and, for this incredible experience!

Top comments (2)

bam92 profile image
Abel Lifaefi Mbula

Hello @jenilgajjar20,

Congratulations on your success so far and thank you for sharing this inspiring story.

jenilgajjar20 profile image
Jenil Gajjar

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to hear that you found my story inspiring.