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jenifer smith
jenifer smith

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How to Write Manageable Code That Will Save Your Time

In this fast-paced world the most difficult yet most important thing to do is to save your time from wasting and if you are a developer than it is very important to manage your time to write effective code or program.
Time is a valuable asset for every developer looking forward to a successful career. A manageable code not only save your time but it also helps you getting out of frustration. According to many experts writing manageable code is a science that needs deep knowledge of development, coding, algorithms and data structures.

Why it is Important to Write Manageable Code

Suppose you are given a task to create a college app like Common, the scope and complexity of the project can escalate rapidly. From user authentication and document uploads to recommendation letters and application tracking, he features can be extensive. Without a structured approach to coding, maintaining, expanding and debugging the app can become really difficult. Here is where writing a manageable code steps in to help;


Well-organized code is easier to understand,
leading to efficient development and quicker bug fixing.


A structured codebase promotes seamless collaboration among developers, as everyone can comprehend and contribute to the code.


As your app evolves, a manageable codebase allows for easier integration of new features and modules.

Reduced Technical Debt:

Neglecting code organization can lead to "technical debt" — a backlog of fixes and improvements that accumulate over time.

Onboarding New Developers:

If new developers join the team, clear and organized code helps them get up to speed faster.

Tips and Tricks to Write Code That Will Save Your Time

Plan Before You Code

Before you start typing away, take a moment to plan your approach. Understand the problem at hand, sketch out your architecture, and outline the logic. A clear plan helps prevent unnecessary rewrites and ensures that you're building a solid foundation.

Follow Coding Standards

Adopt and adhere to coding standards or style guides for your language of choice. Consistency in naming conventions, formatting, and code structure makes your codebase more approachable for others and your future self.

Keep Functions Small and Focused

Functions should have a single responsibility and do it well. Smaller functions are easier to understand, test, and maintain. If a function spans multiple pages, it's a sign that it might be doing too much.

Use Descriptive Variable Names

Choose meaningful variable and function names that reflect their purpose. Avoid cryptic abbreviations and acronyms. Clarity in naming promotes understanding and reduces the need for excessive comments.

Comment Thoughtfully

While clear code is self-explanatory, judicious comments can provide valuable insights. Explain the why behind complex logic or tricky sections. Avoid redundant comments that merely reiterate what the code already says.

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