DEV Community

Jeff Posnick
Jeff Posnick

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That time I used a generator


I moved over to work on Google's Web DevRel team way back in 2014, and one of the first tasks that I took on was writing short update articles and code samples for new web platform features. These are... somewhat embarrassing to look back on, so I won't link to many here, but one of the first I put together covered generators. I didn't have a huge amount to say about generators, so the general approach used in the article was to link to some more canonical resources,while calling out a couple of interesting "gotchas" that I thought could add some value.

So I wrote that, moved on, and then pretty much forgot that generators existed for the next 4 years.


That takes us to a few months ago, when I was working on a rewriteof the workbox-precaching module as part of the Workbox v4release. This gave me an opportunity to revisit some code that hadn't been touched in a while.

Original logic

The actual code isn't super-relevant (I'll link to the before and after below, for those who are interested), but the main points were:

  • It was code to compare a string against few possible matches.
  • Calculating each possible match is (somewhat) expensive.
  • The code returned true as soon as it found a match.
  • If none of the conditions matched, it returned false.

The original code looked something like:

const originalUrl = '...';
const urlToMatch = '...';

const urlVariation1 = generateVariation1(originalUrl);
if (urlToMatch === urlVariation1) {
  return true;

const urlVariation2 = generateVariation2(originalUrl);
if (urlToMatch === urlVariation2) {
  return true;

// etc.

return false;

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I'm not a huge fan of a repeated sequence of if(...) { return ... } statements aesthetically, and structuring code like that can make it harder to understand that each test case is effectively doing the same thing.

Refactoring without generators

One potential refactoring to emphasize the repeated logic could be:

const originalUrl = '...';
const urlToMatch = '...';

const urlVariations = [
  // etc.
].map((generateVariation) => generateVariation(originalUrl));

for (const urlVariation of urlVariations) {
  if (urlToMatch === urlVariation) {
    return true;

return false;

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I like that version of the code from an aesthetic point of view, but one downside is that you end up running each of the generateVariationN() functions ahead of time. If a variation early in the list ends up matching, you've ended up running (potentially expensive) code for nothing.

Refactoring with generators

So! This is when I remembered that generators were A Thing, and could come in handy in this use case.

Generators are iterable,so it could be dropped right in to a for...of loop.

Generators only run when their next() value is requested: they'll execute until a yield keyword is encountered, at which point they pause and control goes back to whatever triggered the iteration. If we yield the results of our potentially expensive functions one at a time inside of a generator, we don't have to worry about executing functions whose results won't actually be needed. And we still get to structure the code that uses the values as a loop rather than a sequence of if(...) { return ...; } statements. It's the best of both worlds!

Using a generator and a for...of loop gives us code that looks something like:

function* generateVariations(originalUrl) {
  // You could put these yields inside a loop, too!
  yield generateVariation1(originalUrl);
  yield generateVariation2(originalUrl);
  // etc.

for (const urlVariation of generateVariations(originalUrl)) {
  if (urlToMatch === urlVariation) {
    return true;

return false;

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The actual changes in Workbox

If you're curious, the original code in Workbox v3 ishere.The v4 code has been split up into modules for the newgeneratorand thecode that loops over the generated values.

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