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React Hooks vs Functions made easy

In today's blog post, we'll explore the key differences between React Hooks and JavaScript functions. We'll also learn how to differentiate between a function and a hook in React. So, let's dive right in!

What is a React Hook?

A React Hook is a special type of function that allows you to "hook into" React state and lifecycle features from function components. With the introduction of React Hooks in React 16.8, you can now use state and other React features without writing a class component React provides built-in hooks like useStateand useEffect, but you can also create your own custom hooks to reuse stateful behavior between different components.

Functions in JavaScript

In contrast, a JavaScript function is a set of statements that perform a specific task. Functions are the basic building blocks of any JavaScript program, and they can be used in various ways, such as defining reusable code, organizing your code, or simply breaking down a complex problem into smaller, manageable pieces.

Key Differences between React Hooks and Functions

React Hooks are functions, but they have a special purpose and usage within React components. Here are some key differences between React Hooks and JavaScript functions.

  • React Hooks are specifically designed to interact with the React component lifecycle and state management.
  • React Hooks can only be used within functional components, whereas JavaScript functions can be used anywhere in your code.
  • React Hooks follow specific naming conventions, starting with the "use" prefix (e.g., useState, useEffect), while JavaScript functions can be named anything.

Avoid Confusion between Functions and Hooks

  • Remember that hooks are functions with a specific purpose in React components.
  • Always use the "use" prefix when naming hooks, as it helps to quickly identify them.
  • Don't call hooks from regular JavaScript functions; only call them from React function components.


eact Hooks and JavaScript functions may seem similar at first, but they serve different purposes within a React application. Hooks are designed to work with React components, allowing you to manage state and lifecycle features without using class components. On the other hand, JavaScript functions are general-purpose building blocks for your code. By following naming conventions and understanding their specific use-cases, you can easily differentiate between hooks and functions in your React projects.

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